More on Savanna

Evil Angel publicist Jeff Marton confirms that the tape featuring Rocco and Savanna will be coming out September 6th, a title yet to be decided. Marton, incidentally, said he sent Stern a boxful of Rocco tapes to better acquaint Stern with the legend that is Rocco.

Marton: "About five or six monts ago I got this big envelope with these great 11x17 pictures of this girl with a beautifully handwritten letter to Rocco. It said, God, I think you're really something. I want to be in a movie. I know you're in Europe, I'm going to be there. Any chance of us getting together? Anything you want to do is great with me. I sent the letter on to Rocco. Apparently he called her and from what he tells me, it was amazing. He didn't know she was a stripper. He thought it was some girl who saw his movies and said I want to fuck this guy. That wouldn't be the first time. There's a lot of girls dying to be with him. I had a lawyer one time send me his model/girlfriend to Rocco as a wedding present.

"Rocco told me this thing [with Savanna] was great. He went to her hotel which was real, real nice. Better than a five-star hotel. This happened in Paris, and Rocco's been calling me back trying to think of a good title for this. I said Rocco Meets An American in Paris. He wants to call it An American Saint in Paris, but we haven't decided on the title.

"I heard Stern talk about Rocco referring to him as 'some Frenchman.' I thought he obviously doesn't know who Rocco is, so I sent him some tapes."

[Marton was read the above posted e-mail. He thought the hand-shaking scene was pretty funny but said he never heard of a broken arm incident.]