More On Max

Max Hardcore's nocturnal "visit" to Scotty Schwartz Sunday night and Schwartz' subsequent posting about it Monday elicited remarks from Max that sounded more like a form letter. It goes like this:

To: All Media:

Thank you for your interest in Max Hardcore. Please visit his site for the latest information on Max, his movies, magazines, co-stars, and other products at:

In response to numerous inquiries, Max World Entertainment issues the following statement:

Max Hardcore does not comment on his business practices, and will not engage in a discussion on those matters in a public forum.

Max Hardcore takes his business seriously, and remains accountable for his actions. In the conduct of his affairs, Max takes the direct approach, and deals with all matters in a professional and appropriate manner.

Should you have specific questions regarding Max's movies or other products, please forward your queries to Max at his website. These and other matters are also addressed through periodic press releases from Max's publicist at Legend Video, Inc.

Marcos Asam \nPublic Affairs Liaison, \nMax World Entertainment

Scotty Schwartz comments: "He doesn't comment on non-professional manners? Give me a fucking break. Here's what created it. There's a newer girl, Chloe Adams. I didn't see her at the CES show. He [Max] thought I did. That's what this big fight is all about in his eyes, that I talked to her when she was a Max girl. I said no. I didn't know that she was alive until Thursday [of last week]. I met her at a Jim Lane shoot.

"He [Max] was livid. I mean livid. I could see the veins on his neck and he was getting frustrated because I wasn't giving him the answers he wanted. I was telling him the truth but it wasn't the answers he wanted. Funny, my AVN award was standing right in front of where he was. I thought he waqs going to grab it and fucking throw it at me. He was just PISSED off. After me telling him that I didn't know this girl he goes, 'Well, I saw your number on her pager.' I said it wasn't me. I thought to myself, I don't even have a pager number on this girl. Just her house number. When he walked in, Dominic [Acerra] was walking out. I say to Dominic, I think you should stay, don't go anywhere. He lloks at me and goes, "I'll be right back.' He walks out to get a pizza.

"Max was here, him, his brother and Ray the camera guy. Ray was not happy with the whole thing being forced to come here.: Schwartz claims he's filed a police report and is going to file a restraining order. "How is he going to come to any shows? Erotica LA is in a coople of months. He's going to come there trying to swing his thing and do his Max World bullshit. I'm going to go to Ron Miller. Excuse me, Ron, here's a restraining order."