Mo' Bo

Bo Smith had some additional comments to make regarding the Bridgett Kerkove story that ran Thursday in which Kerkove claims Smith created a website withoutt her permission. Bo said he did some investigation and came across the fact that the name that appears on Bridgett Kerkove's driver's license is Patricia Ann ******

Bo: "Her name's not Patricia Ann Kerkove, or Bridgett Kerkove. I've got a copy of her license. That guy Skeeter is just so full of shit. The only thing that bothers me about this story is their allegations about the drugs. [Skeeter Kerkove claims Bo offered Bridgett drugs on his set.]

"That's serious stuff. That upsets me. So if you can get that cleared up. That part is very disturbing to me.

[Bridgett Kerkove in an interview Friday swears this is what happened and claims Bo called her house trying to get her to service Kevin Beech, that it occurred the same day she did a feature with Gina Ryder at Beech's house.]

"I talked to Kevin about this. The day she shot it at Kevin's house, I wasn't even in Los Angeles and didn't know her. That is 100% false. If she says I asked her to go over to Kevin's house the day she shot with Gina Ryder, that's a total 100% lie. Call Gina Ryder. I never knew Bridgett Kerkove until the day she shot that movie for me. The only person I ever talked to was Skeeter. I never had conversation one with her.

G. Ross: "If we're saying her model release is forged or has a bullshit name on it, then she has an argument that you don't have a legal document."

Bo: "If that's the case. This is the thing we'd like to see. We're trying to find out from other companies, copies of her model releases. We're not trying to blackball her, we want to know if our model release is legal or not. That's our situation. That's why we called Metro for a copy of a release she signed."

[Bo sent over a copy of Bridgett Kerkove's driver license.]

Bo: "Patricia Ann ****** is her name. When she says Bridgett Kerkove is her real name..."

G. Ross: "Kerkove is her husband's name."

Bo: "How do you know that? I've never seen an ID for him. You'll see on 6-9-99 she got issued a California driver's license. On that day it was Patricia Ann ****** For what it's worth, I think you portrayed everything pretty accurately. The only thing I'm interested in, whatever's going on with the website can be resolved. The drugs, the rape, the alleged prostitution is all bullshit. I never knew Bridgett Kerkove until that Saturday afternoon and only two minutes. In fact, Teri Starr and Brandon Irons were there. You can ask them what went on.

"We do a website with Teri Starr. We've been doing that with her for over a year. It's not uncommon for us to register these names, then do the deals with the people. That's all we did here. I talked with Tyce Bune afterwards [after the Thursday story]. I was kind of shocked at some of things he had said. While there was some truth there, there was some things that were kind of misleading. I talked to him after I talked to you. I said, 'Tyce that's just not true. You know what the deal was. You called me, I didn't call you.' That's strictly how it was. I never solicited him. Then there was the other thing that I stole other peoples' names. That's just not true.

"I had a signed contract with Laurie Holmes, and she never followed on her end with her deal. There are people like Peter North and Anna Malle that you can call for references. We never cheated them out of a dime."

G. Ross: "There might be a clincher. The alleged phone call that you made regarding Kevin Beech - if you could prove that that shoot was chronologically before the shoot at Gallagher's..."

Bo: "I don't know when that [the Gina Ryder] shoot was. I understand that that was a couple of weeks before ours. If you can ask Gina for the model releases. They can show you the dates. I thought you made an excellent point about model releases. I talked to Jim Gunn and from now on he watches people sign them. It's bullshit to even be put in this kind of position....another thing. Bridgett said we paid the other girl cash? That was Teri Starr. Ask her how she got paid. We don't pay anybody cash. I'll send the budget for the movies and show every person and every check number that people were paid with."

G. Ross: "Bridgett said her check bounced."

Bo: "That is true. But they left out one thing. Our bank sent them a letter. When we shot the movie, we activated a line of credit. When they went in to cash the check, the line of credit for some reason or another didn't get activated. The bank sent them a letter apologizing. I'll send you a copy of that. The check cleared. There was some confusion because Bank of America and Nation's Bank are merging together. That's where the problem was."