Million Man Gangbang Launches Website

Sabrina Johnson has her clean bill of health, and Deelicious Milano's Million Man Gangbang is scheduled for March 18th with promotional support being lent by a website that just went up Friday morning.

John Bowen comments: "We have an in-house guy who's now working on all of our stuff. It's the same guy that put up the Zoe site. Now we're pushing ahead with and a few other things that we're doing. We wanted to get this up to start the ball rolling. You've been to enough of the lookalike gangbangs now to realize that if you don't put a lot of work into it, you end up with the same 40 guys. You have a producer who guarantees you that he has 2,000 guys signed up and coming, and the same 40 guys show up that go to every gangbang. There's a lot of work involved in this. We have a six-month build-up for this. We've got a lot of magazines that are printing the story, printing coupons and getting the word out on the streets to get the guys."