Million Man Gangbang

Fools aside, April 1 is Deelicious Milano's date with destiny. This is the scheduled day for Cream Entertainment Group's Million-Man Gang Bang. Will Deelicious consume one million cocks and go on to the Oval Office for dessert? Well, you'll just have to wait and see. Nevertheless, the event will take place at the Cream Entertainment Studios in North Hollywood following a press breakfast that begins at 10 am. Check out for more info.

The circus in question is being ring mastered by John T. Bone, the man who contrived the World's Biggest Gangbang.

G. Ross: "You're going to have a million men there, right?"

Bone: "Yeah. The buses left the east coast days ago."

G. Ross: "Other than the fact that you're calling it The Million Man, is there some kind of specific goal that we're trying to itemize or reach here?"

Bone: "Oh yes. I want to stop this madness that I started."

G. Ross: "In what particular way do you hope to achieve this?"

Bone: "Only a moron would try to do a million and one, wouldn't they? The reality is I started the big gangbangs. Every fucking idiot has jumped on the bandwagon just like everything else that I've done and I'm sick of it. Like with the 2,000 sexual 'incidents'. This is nonsense. They've made a mockery of it. I'll make a bigger mockery of it than anybody and that should be an end to it. Finished. Over."

G. Ross: "We're going for some kind of goal, aren't we?"

Bone: "The press breakfast is really the most important thing. It's going to be a champagne breakfast with lox and bagels and caviar. I think that's really the most important part of the day. Then it's a bunch of horney guys banging the living shit out of Deelicious until it's time to go home. It's time for all the mindless, talentless idiots in this business to go and copy something else I've been doing. I want to stop this one."

G. Ross: "In other words, you're trying to kill Rosemary's Baby."

Bone: "There you go."