Miko Exoticwear Adds New Figurines to Fetish Collection

Last month Miko Exoticwear added fifteen new items to their Fetish Figurine Collection. rnrn

The collection, which now has over forty pieces, will be expanded further next month with the addition of nearly a dozen more pieces. Most of the new additions center on tattooed women and bondage themes, though there are a couple of new gay pieces as well. rnrn

"They're high quality, hand-painted, solid resin with a fetish erotic image nicely displayed in display cases or on shelves. They're eye catching and people are collecting them so they'll keep coming back to your store to see what new items you have stocked in the collection," Jeff Gellman, owner of Miko Exoticwear, told AVN.com. rnrn

Gellman reports the best seller in the collection is a piece called "Blowjob", which depicts a male submissive giving a blowjob to a male dom. Other popular items include the Marylin Ashtray, and the Wanda figurines, which are depictions of a submissive woman in various bondage positions. rnrn

While the bulk of the collection is made up of figurines, some of the items are functional. The Marylin Ashtray, the Slave Girl incense burner, and the Chambermaid, which functions as a stash box, are among the most popular of these. rnrn

The SRP for the figurines range from $16 to $130 dollars, depending on the size of the figurine. rnrn

Retailers can order these by logging on to www.mikoexoticwear.com or emailing [email protected]