Mike South on the AVN show

Dirty Bob's recent mention of the AVN show in quite another context prompts this posting from Mike South.

Mike South: "HyGene, Dirty Bob brought this up and i just can't let it sit any longer. I know and respect everyone at AVN, most of all Fish but what kind of friend would I be if I didn't tell you guys some basic truths about the AVN Awards Show.

"We have intelligent and well spoken people in this business, people like John Stagliano, Fish himself, John Leslie, Steve Orenstein, Christy Lake, Zoe. People who could and would put the industry ahead of themselves while they are on stage. So why is it that every year when it comes time to showcase ourselves to the world we choose the worst we have to offer? Is this really the best we can do?

"Now lets talk about price, is it too much to ask that for two hundred dollars per person that a glass of water would be FREE? Lets face it for 200 dollars shouldn't the customer expect better than microwave pizza and some eggroll conglomeration? Then the poor shmoe goes to the bar and has to pay 5 dollars for a glass of water? I am sorry guys but that is outright thievery.

"I had a quote from a very well known and respected magazine publisher that he was going to allow me to attribute to him, then he came to his senses and thought better of it, I won't tell you who it was but I will tell you what he said. He said, and I quote " If they are going to treat us like niggers they should have at least served fried chicken."

"Now that's a pretty strong statement, and it honestly pains me to tell it to you but if that were said about me I would want you to tell me, that's what real friends do.

Fish as much as I like you, and I do, your shameless PR attempt was a dismal failure. You gave the Hal Freeman Award to a man who is not worthy of licking Hal Freemans boots. I can think of 20 industry people who are much more deserving of that award. I hope Mr. Freeman didn't see that travesty.

"Let us move on, is there some good reason why industry people had to stand in line for the after awards show party that WE sponsored?

"Come on guys, make some effort to get it right this year, the food used to be really good, and could we just once try and book some quality entertainment? The magician at the AVN Online Awards was far more entertaining than what we got.

I am not just whining, I am willing to put effort into it, if you want, you know my number. OK I'm over it now Mike South, http://www.mikesouth.com