Mike Ross: "David Wasserman's Speech

I had a little inside tip for you. I just heard who the Free Speech Coalition's going to name as their executive dirtector. His name is [Florida First Amendment attorney] David Wasserman which I think is pretty interesting considering that there's a new board coming on and the new board probably has no say over who this new executive director is. I don'\\t know if it's true. I believe it is true based on the source it came from whi is a very good, high up source. not on the Free Speech Board but somebody who deals with them in detail.

Ross: "Mark is either not telling you the truth or they [Ross' sources] misrepresented themselves to Exotic Dancer magazine. Last week, Exotic Dancer sent a letter to all the video people soliciting ads and advertising. They're now breaking into AVN's field. Their logic is oh advertise with us and you'll find new talent. I thought that was kind of an interesting thing. The bottom line is I don't know who to believe at this particular point, that's why I called you up and say hey it might be a nice tip. I would intend to believe no matter who was selected that it's a mistake for one reasons - the election was just held. There's seven people going on the board; there's four people who retired and their positions aren't being filled. Why are they saddling us with Gloria Leonard or Jeffrey Douglas' requests and thought as opposed to letting the new members be able to come up with whom they believe should be named [to executive director]. If it takes a couple of weeks or a couple of months afterwarwards I don't think it's going to hurt or help. The worst thing that's going to happen is if somebody tried to force an executive directyor on everybody who the new board doesn't want. I'm going to be vocal about it. I was told by Carol [at Free Speech] that Tuesday night they're supposed to announce the winners of the vote. I think they're only to to announce it to the general "us," i.e., we won or lost. I don't know what they're going to do about me. I would tend to believe that theu're going to be straightforward this year. I received like 45 votes last year and they claimed none of them counted. What they've [Free Speech] done is sided with Exotic Dancer magazine which I would think would be a direct threat to AVN and your advertising. The upshot is they're something going on that's really strange. And I've been trying to figure it out for the last couple of days. I got the word this morning that Wasserman was going to be the executive director. I think that stuff should be done in the public, not in private. I have some major concerns with Free Speech and some of the things they're doing now.