Metro To Do Millennium 2000 Gangbang?

association, non-stop conversation and stunning announcements. Star was accompanied by her "publicist" Marc Medoff whom she describes as "a connoiseur and expert of all that."

Star: "This is a guy who doesn't have a problem getting me thrown in jail just to get the killer shot of the year. Marc Medoff is the tease and sleaze and connoiseur of all that. This industry should be thankful for that guy. If you'll notice on the cover of the Houston 500, Marc Medoff's face is on there 10 times.

"I think the best movie of my career is Web of Deception by Fleshtone. It was shot in October, 1998. I did an anal scene with Valentino. Unfortunately they couldn't get it out in time to be nominated. I watched the video from beginning to end and it shocked me. I was stunned through the whole thing. Out of all the movies I've done, about 45, I think it's the best thing I've done. It was the last until Jim Gunn, who lives in Ft. Lauderdale and I live in Miami, called and asked me to do the next two Strap-on-Sally's, 13 & 14. It was a pleasure working with Jim Gunn. But I categorize Web of Deception as my last huge feature. It's like the Black Widow - the woman whose career is to marry wealthy guys, poison them, take all their money then change her appearance and move on to the next guy. In the beginning I started out as a brunette. Every time I walked out of the makeup room, the whole 40 people, talent and crew gasped because I looked that shockingly different."

Star pretty much let the cat-out-of-the-bag that she's now negotiating with Metro to do the Gangbang 2000, that she flew to California specifically for that meeting. The project was originally coming out of the Fleshtone camp.

Star: "Fleshtone wanted to do this concept which Marc Medoff offered it to them. Danny Carelli is one of my closest friends and the closest friend of my ex-boyfriend in Las Vegas. It was really a tight knit group. I was dating this guy Tom and he introduced me to Danny Carelli. Danny Carelli is a friend of mine from five years ago. I did other projects with Danny and I told him you can't live or breathe or survive in this industry without Marc Medoff. So, I got a brand new company hooked up with somebody who can make anybody famous. Of course it was Danny Carelli's privilege to work with the best, and Marc Medoff offered him the best concept in adult history and Carelli blew it, unfortunately.

Danny Carelli has this to say.

Carelli: "I can't come to terms with her price. She wants $50,000. And I don't know if we can get her back. So I guess that's how I blew it. I'm debating whether to do it or not. I was kind of hoping she'd come down [in price]. So she has been talking to Metro? I heard rumors throough the grapevine that she was talking to other people. She's a smart businesswoman. I wanted to give her 25 and a piece of the event. And she said she wanted to be guaranteed 50. When I called you a few weeks ago [about the Montana Gunn flap] I was in Florida talking to her. It's a lot of money. I don't know. I'll guarantee you, though, Metro ain't going to give her no 50. I was basically hoping she'd come to her senses. She comes to her senses I want to do it with her. She's done a ton of videos for me. I love her to death. But money's money."

Whoever winds up masterminding the event, Star says, "I hope it comes to closure, soon. We hope Metro takes this seriously. It'll be one of the hottest most amazing events in adult history, never mind the mind-boggling Millennium 2000. We need to close the deal ASAP. If we blow this, it'll be a sin." Metro GM Greg Alves says the company and Star "pretty much have a deal."