McKinney Gets 100 Years For Downloading Child Porn

Patrick Ryan McKinney was sentenced to 100 years in prison for possessing child pornography on his home computer.

According to Team Amber News, the videos and photos that McKinney's computer housed featured titles such as Asian Kid Gets Raped and Kiddie Porn, and showed "toddlers, school age children and teenagers with adults in sex acts." McKinney reportedly showed one of the video clips to his then 8-year-old stepdaughter before raping her.

The jury found McKinney guilty of rape and possession of child pornography, but he has only been sentenced on the pornography charge thus far. McKinney is still facing a hearing on the charges of raping his stepdaughter.

McKinney only asked Judge Gene Kean to "have mercy."

Judge Kean pointed out that while the jury only found McKinney guilty of possessing 20 pictures and movies, investigators discovered over 170 questionable images on this hard drive. was unable to reach McKinney's defense or prosecutors for comment.