McDermott Guilty of Feeding Star Stock Tips

member jury has found Wall Street financier James J. McDermott Jr. guilty of conspiracy and five out of six counts of insider trading. McDermott was giving insider-trading tips to Marylin Star who passed them along to another boyfriend Anthony Pomponio The jury also found Pomponio, a New Jersey businessman, guilty of the same charges and one count of perjury for lying to investigators. The verdict came after a two-week trial which was carried on in the absence of Star who has been a fugitive since U.S. authorities issued a warrant for her arrest in December on charges of insider trading.

McDermott and Pomponio face up to five years in prison on charges of conspiracy and 10 years in prison for each count of insider trading. Each also faces a fine of up to $1.25 million. For the perjury charge, Pomponio face a prison sentence of up to five years and a maximum fine of $250,000.