Marylin Star: "I Can Handle 2,000 Guys!"

Marylin Star was in my office several months ago along with her longtime friend, Marc Medoff, whom she was coyly referring to as her "publicist." After regaling Star with my Mark Kernes impersonations [Star is rolling on the floor], she gave us a rundown of what she was doing.

Bearing in mind, this was a "Pre-Wall Street" time when Star was scheduled to do the New Millennium Gangbang for Metro. But that deal subsequently fell through. Though the New York papers have been making a big deal of a title called Marilyn Does Miami, Star touted her big feature in the industry as Web of Deception for Fleshtone and remembered that AVN's Mark Kernes was there to cover it. Take note, too, of the ironies involving the plot of Web of Deception and Star's current predicament with the SEC.

The reason we never ran this interview before was due to technical problems with the tape itself, but we've been able to piece together some of the better portions of the interview, not helped, of course, by Star's tendency to hop, skip and jump all over the place in her narratives.

Star: "It [Web of Deception] was shot October of 1998, and I did a scene with Valentino, an anal scene that Mark Kernes said he was going to nominate for best anal of the year, except they [Fleshtone] couldn't get it out to qualify. I've watched the movie from beginning to end. It's awesome. It even shocks me. Of all the movies that I've done, this one was the best."

[Star makes a reference to Marc Medoff.]

Star: "This is a guy that doesn't have a problem getting me thrown in jail just to get the killer shot of the year. Marc Medoff is the tease and sleaze and connoisseur of all that. And this industry should be thankful for this guy. If you notice on the boxcover of the Houston 500, Marc Medoff's face is on there ten times on the front and the back."

G. Ross: "I had heard rumors he was a fluffer on that shoot."

[We laugh over some inside humor about one of Medoff's trips to Cuba.]

G. Ross: "Is this all going to be leading into the dangerous waters of Cuba?"

Star: "No, I'm not part of the scuba gear story of the $20 talent he can get in Cuba. But I won't say anything. So, Web of Deception was my last movie. I watched it and was stunned through the whole thing. It really is the best I've ever done and the last - until Jim Gunn who lives in Ft. Lauderdale called and asked me to do two Strap-On Sallys. It was 13 & 14. Number 13 was titled something like Marylin's Toy Chest. Number 14 was called Marylin's Birthday or something like that. It was shot either the day before or after my birthday, April 12. I'm an Aries. Besides that, I didn't have sex in either one of these. I just wore a strap-on. It really was a pleasure to work with Jim Gunn.

"But Web of Deception is really what I categorize as my last big huge movie. It's like Black Widow where the woman's career is to wed filthy wealthy guys, poison them, change her appearance and move on to the next one. In the beginning I was a brunette, and every time I walked out of the makeup room, the whole 40 people, talent and camera crew gasped because I looked that shockingly different.

[Star acknowledges her problems with Fleshtone and the New Year's gangbang with them that wasn't going to transpire.]

Star: "That's a whole other story. Fleshtone wanted to do this concept which Marc Medoff was nice enough to offer to them. Marc is one of my closest friends and closest friend to my ex-boyfriend in Las Vegas. It's a tight-knit little thing. But that's not why I'm here. I'm here to tell you about one of the best video companies in the industry [Metro] and one of the ballsiest. And one of the top, leading publications in the industry, Cheri Magazine.

[Marc Medoff had made arrangements with Cheri Magazine to do a huge photo spread of the event.]

Star: "One of the hottest most amazing events in adult history, never mind in the mind-boggling Millennium 2000 years. I mean how many of us are going to live to the year 3000? [Not many, Marylin.]. How many people think they can do 3000 guys? Uh...uh...uh... Who thinks the year 2001 means anything? Not me. This is definitely porn going mainstream all the way and we need to close the deal ASAP.

"Cheri Magazine not only brought me to their office but introduced me to their president and vice president.

"This is how it began. I was dating this guy Tom in Las Vegas. Tom introduced me to Danny Carelli [head of Fleshtone]. Danny Carelli's a friend of mine from five years ago. Whatever. Danny Carelli decided he was going to make movies. A year later he started. I featured in his first three. [For the record, the other two features were Rich Wives' Club and Shooting Star.]

[Star interrupts her train of thought for the moment to take note of the fact that I had a Marylin Star mouse pad sitting on my desk - "Oh, how cute!"]

Star: "Of course I told Danny you can't live or breathe and survive in this business without Marc Medoff. So I got a brand new company hooked up with somebody who can make anybody famous. Of course it was Danny Carelli's PRIVILEGE to work with us. And so Marc Medoff offered him the best concept in adult history. Carelli blew it, unfortunately. So we decided it was time to be mature about a very big, mature idea. If this is blown, it'll be a sin. This can't be fucked up. So I went to the best. So we hope that Metro takes this seriously. That's why I flew in here. I haven't been in LA since September [1998].

"Now I only work on the Internet,; I've got built but it's not up as yet." [Those logging on to the Marylin Star site will be greeted with a message that it's down due to the recent developments in the news.]

"We're all excited about this idea [the Millennium Gangbang]. They're [Metro] all worried that can you handle it because the last two girls that did gangbangs they kind of cracked in the middle of it and one girl ran off, begging for them to cancel it. I don't know the story. I wasn't there to witness it. I may be Miss Prissy to everybody from my closest friends, and, yeah, I look like it. But the truth is something else.

"They said can you handle it, can you last seven hours, ten hours or whatever and take on 2,000 men. I mean I've already done over a 1,050 men in my life so we're past all that. The truth of the matter is that I love men so much, if the guy can't last for five hours, fuck him and his dick, too. I laughed so hard when I was talking to Greg Alves [Metro's vice president] about this. I laughed so hard when Greg asked me, seriously, if I could handle this. The last time I had sex was for five hours and was begging for more.

"I'll have you know that it was on my birthday in April in Miami where everybody flew in from Canada, San Diego, Las Vegas, New York and Lauderdale, of course, including Marc Medoff my confidante and sleazy photographer-friend. It was splashed in all the magazines. It was a mainstream birthday party, it just happened that all my friends are PORN people and they all showed up, including Danny Carelli who flew in from San Diego. Marc took something like 72 rolls of film and they're going to be in all the magazines. They especially love the pictures of me peeing.

"At the after party of the birthday we got a little eccentric. We were fooling around, and there was one point in my living room where I was on all fours with 20 people standing around. There was a dildo sticking in my pussy, and I was begging for it. I got so horny after drinking champagne that I was begging for someone else to do it. They were amateurs, but I can handle 2,000 guys. The question is can they handle me?

"I suggested that the theme should be Star Wars. Marylin Star Wars. Can you handle me because I'm sick of amateurs."

G. Ross: "Do you think this [Star's demanding attitude] will intimidate some guys?"

Star: "No way! This is a fantasy of a lifetime. I think they should at least charge admission."

Medoff: "They're just afraid you'll chop it off..."

Star: "You've heard about my Marylin Does Miami series? I go to the beach and it's Candid Camera porn. I go to the beach with a hidden microphone in my bikini and I pick up guys casually. And when the guy can't get it up, Marylin Star's famous temper tantrums go to work because Marylin Star is financing it. On the last scene, which was covered by Playboy [The Playboy Channel], I did a scene with an amateur [a guy with a Cuban accent, she says] and he came twice. After a blowjob he came in my face and didn't even warn me. The jerk. Then we had intercourse after that. He was way too horny and fucked me for a total of 2 1/2 hours. We had way too much footage. You tell me. Do I intimidate men?

"But by doing my own feature I learned how you can screw up. I got a better respect for the professionals in the business."