Marylin Speaks

In her first public annnouncement since she became a fugitive from justice, embattled XXX porn actress Marylin Star briefly emerged from hiding Christmas Eve to issue an emotional Christmas message to her two alleged co-conspirators and ex-lovers in the roiling Wall Street insider trading sex scandal, tearfully telling the pair of high-powered corporate executives, "I love you, I forgive you."

Star's statements were released over the weekend by the Adult Press Service headed by Star's longtime friend, Marc Medoff, the following of which are excerpts.

Crying uncontrollably at times during a World Exclusive thirty minute telephone interview with the New York City-based Adult Press Service, Star, speaking from an undisclosed location where she is hiding out from a sweeping FBI manhunt in western Canada, bitterly lamented her legal predicament. At the same time she "forgave" the two men she claims have caused her to be unfairly indicted for securities fraud violations and conspiracy. Speaking directly to well-known Wall Street investment banker James J. McDermott Jr. 48, and New Jersey businessman Anthony P. Pomponio, 45, both married family men currently also under indictment for their alleged roles and free on bond, the veteran hardcore video starlet told the Adult Press Service:

"Jim, Anthony, you were my best friends, you were my strength during some of the most difficult moments of my life. No matter what happens, no matter how this ends up, you are my soulmates for life. I love you. I forgive you," she sobbed.

Since she fled from the country last week Star has refused to make any statement to the press except to the Adult Press Service, turning away both large offers of money for interviews, as well as invitations to appear on ABC's 20/20 with Barbara Walters and Good Morning America's Diane Sawyer. Kin turn, hundreds of reporters from around the world ranging from trashy tabloids to The Wall Street Journal have descended upon cities in western Canada in an effort to track down the leggy lamsyer. So far she has eluded them as well as the police. Press reports have placed her everywhere from wandering the streets in disguise in downtown Edmonton, to being holed up in a Vancouver penthouse with her new Canadian boyfriend.

Since the case broke earlier last week, Star, a busty but petite blond [4' 11" and under 100 pounds] has steadfastly maintained that she had placed her trust in McDermott and Pomponio and was duped.

"No matter what Anthony says about me good, bad or ugly, I forgive him. He was my best friend for three years and I consider him my soulmate, I am sorry that his fear is making him say those things," Star said, crying softly. "I would only pray that the press stop bothering him and his family, and let them have some peace during the holidays.

"As far as Jim goes he was my best friend, and he supported me emotionally when I needed him the most. He was my strength, Anthony was my strength, they were always there for me, they are my soulamtes for life," she said, breaking down in tears.

"My Christmas wish, my gift to them, would that their pain be eased, and that their famililies' suffering be lessened during this nightmare."

Star became particularly emotional about her personal relationships with her co-defendants when she discussed the untimely death of her father, who passed away from lung cancer in 1996 at the age of 54. Sick for more than a year, when his conditioned worsened, Star, already a world famous adult actress superstar at that point, moved her ailing parent into her own luxury condo in Edmonton so she could help care for him. He died a short time later.

"During that time, Jim and Anthony, the two men charged with me, were the two best friends I had in the whole wide world. They were the tweo men in my life that helped me survive my father's death without having a complete nervous breakdown. That's what eternal friendship is about. I will never forget them for that," she said choking up and unable to continue for seveal minutes. "The last time I saw my father alive, so old, so thin, so frail, I took his hand, and I said, 'Daddy, it's okay. It's okay for you to go now.' And when a few hours later he passed away I was hysterical. Without Jim and Anthony I couldn't have gotten through that. I couldn't have."

Star has strongly maintained her innocence. She said she was shocked that her indictment painted her as the instigator of the alleged plot.

"That is so wrong, so ridiculous. I was manipulated. Looking back, there's no question about that. I trusted older, more experienced, powerful wealthy people whi I assumed were acting properly," sobbed Star, lying in bed and clutching her pet dog Angelface to her chest. "I relied on them, I believed in them, and they let me down. I feel so victimized. For God's sake, I'm an adult movie actress. I'm not a professor of economics. Would the world give me a break here?" she said. Star said she was spending the worst Christmas of her life behind drawn curtains and double-bolted doors. Star expressed fear not only from the intense media interest surrounding the case and the heavily-armed lawmen seeking her capture, but also unspecified "others." Star though would not elaborate for publication.

Star was candid and at times defiant about what she termed the "raw deal" she was getting.

"Obviously there's a lot more to this whole thing than meets the eye, and there's a lot more to tell about this. And I very much want to speak out," she inisted. "There's nothing fun or funny about being portrayed by people you love, and setting the record straight about who the real 'bad guys' are in this situation is something I am eager to do."

Star complained that she was especially distressed by press coverage of the case that has portrasyed her professional X-rated exploits in a negative light, when in fact, she claims, she witnessed far more nefarious goings-on during her time with McDermott while hobnobbing among Wall Street's rich and powerful.

"When all is said and done in this case, and everything comes out, we'll see who turns out to be the sleazy ones; the guys in New York City on the Wall Street stock market scene, or the girls in Los Angeles who do X-rated scex scenes. Let's see who gets labeled 'sleazy' then."

"I forgive Jim and Anthony for what they did to me, but it's hard to forgive the government and the SEC. This is their job? Chasing a little girl around the world and runing my life?" she asked. "Making it so I can't even go outside without being afraid of getting attacked on the street? Making it so I couldn't even go out this week to buy Christmas presents for my mother and my family? This is right? This is fair? So I'd like to wish a merry, merry Christmas to the SEC as well."

Star concluded the interview by stating this would be her one and only public statement and she would have no further comment on any aspect of the case.