Mary Carey Discusses Her Platform for Recall Election During Media Blitz

Adult actress and aspiring politician Mary Carey appeared live on The Heartland with John Kasich on the Fox News Channel this Saturday to explain her platform for the California recall election campaign to the viewing public. San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr. and editor-in-chief of Reason magazine Nick Gillespie were also interviewed during the same segment, entitled, “The Wild, Wacky Race for California.”

Carey, who as of this morning is officially on the ballot, is running for Governor of the state of California as an independent in the upcoming controversial recall election.

Her appearance on the Fox New Channel gave her the opportunity to bring her ideas to the general public. She briefly discussed some of the items on her platform, as well as speaking out against John Ashcroft’s attempts to place restrictions on the porn industry. She made a point to highlight the revenue that the adult industry generates every year in California, and proposed helping the adult industry instead of fighting it for the greater good of the state’s economy. 

Although her time on air was brief, Carey is pleased with her on-camera performance during the interview. 

“My main goal was to make the public see my ideas in a serious way.   I do want to be taken seriously,” said Carey. “I have used some of the sillier platforms to get media attention, but when I went on the show, I wanted to make sure that I came off as intelligent for the sake of the entire adult industry. The porn industry is a great asset to California. It’s important that people know and understand that.”

So far in her campaign, Carey has focused on decreasing the state’s deficit. Among the items on her controversial platform are the legalization gay marriage and the taxation of breast implants. Carey also proposed making lap dances tax deductible and utilizing fellow porn star friends as goodwill ambassadors to other states. The politically-minded porn actress has also advocated installing Webcams in the Governor’s mansion if elected as an additional source of revenue. 

According to Carey’s campaign manager Mark Kulkis of Kick Ass Pictures, Carey and her campaign team are confident about her chances. 

“We’re feeling strong,” said Kulkis. “I think [Mary Carey] has the best proposals for fixing the economy." 

Carey’s long list of public appearances includes three guest spots on the Howard Stern Show. Since she has announced her candidacy, she has managed to gain more than a little attention for her campaign efforts, having already received press from NBC, KTLA, E!, The Howard Stern Show, the LA Times, the Daily News, and others. 

Although Carey does not have the formal educational and political background that some of the other more formidable candidates do, the starlet has not been phased.

“I have an outgoing personality, sunny disposition, and I’m good at listening to others. I think I can make the world a happier place,” said Carey. “Everyone who comes into contact with me leaves with a smile. Imagine if the whole state of California could come into contact with me! “ 

Regardless of whether or not Carey can pull through with a win, she told that she sees the election as an invaluable opportunity to learn and to have her ideas publicly heard.

“I may not win this election, but even if I don’t, I believe some of my views would be very helpful. They’re good ideas. I want to get them out there,” said Carey. “And even if I don’t win this time around, I’ll be better prepared for the next election. If I don’t win this one, I’ll try again next time. Come next election, I’ll be prepared.” 

Carey told that her main strategy for her Fox News appearance Saturday was to let her personality shine through.

”I think my main asset is that I’m an open-minded person. I am aware that people are going to try to discount me because I do porn. Most of the people who are going to make that criticism don’t know any porn stars,” said Carey. “I chose to do porn because I love sex and I love nudity. Just because I do porn doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”

“I am bubbly,” said Carey. “ I think people sometimes mistake that for dumb. The [Fox News] debate gave me an opportunity to show the public that I’m more than what they think I am.”

Carey was given the opportunity to reach even more of her constituents this morning by KROQ's "Kevin & Bean Show" with a guest appearance with the morning DJs. Tomorrow she'll gain even more recognition when she appears on the CBS Early Show.