Mary Carey Announces Campaign Strategy for Write-In Candidacy

Adult starlet and politician Mary Carey announced to the press yesterday from the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder that she was unable to obtain the signatures necessary to be named on the November 2006 California Gubernatorial ballot. Nevertheless, Carey said she plans to continue her campaign as a write-in candidate.

Carey told that she will start her campaign by launching a “Shock the Vote” tour across California’s college campuses.

“I’m excited to visit the college campuses of California, even though I’m probably already on most campuses on video anyway,” said Carey. She added that her goal is to raise awareness amongst California’s constituents of the importance of the voting process, not only on a national level, but on a state and local level, as well.

Carey has been campaigning throughout California for the last three months, trying to collect the necessary signatures to earn herself a place on the 2006 gubernatorial ballot as an independent candidate.

“The Shock the Vote tour will not only provide students with an opportunity to vote for me, but I will also be distributing literature to help them research the pros and cons of the 13 propositions currently qualified for the November 2006 ballot.

“I am confident that I can still have a large impact in the race to become Governor of California, regardless of the setback,” said Carey.