Mark Speigler and The Hirsch in Court?

winded legal battle between Mark Speigler and Herschel "The Hirsch" Savage is supposed to continue today in Van Nuys. Speigler contends that The Hirsch owes him money, dragged him off to small claims court last year only to have the Hirsch contend that Speigler was slandering him on the Internet and asked for a continuance. A new court date was set in January except Savage didn't show up for that hearing. Speigler won the judgment by default, Savage's defamation suit was thrown out, then Speigler got a note last week that Savage had made a motion to vacate the judgment, claiming that there was a failure to serve plaintiff and a misunderstanding of procedure. Anyway, who knows?

"On a follow-up call this morning, Speigler said a soultion was worked out between him and The Hirsch but he's under a gag order not to talk about it.