Marc Medoff, Porn Star: "I've Been Cyber Smeared!"

Marc Medoff, porn star, adds a new word to the lexicon with his take on comments made by Heidi Ho about him. As you'll recall, Heidi painted a picture of depravity and isolation regarding a recent trip to New York for interviews with Medoff. Though all of Ho's expenses were apparently covered, Medoff, according to her, used her primarily for his sexual whims and failed to deliver on many promotional promises that he made to her. Medoff's side of the story differed like night and day, but it was Ho's rebuttal to what he had to say that particularly irks him, including the fact that Ho did not return a check to him that she so self-righteously proclaimed she had done.

Medoff: "I just got back to New York Tuesday and I only just now got to read your site. Remember in both of her postings she said I gave her a check paid in full and she was refusing to cash it. She also left me similar hysterical messages on my answering machine and cell phone. She was Fed Exing me a check back? I cheated her? I got to tell you something, Gene, you've been a victim of a ruse. She cashed that check last Tuesday or Wednesday. It cleared my bank on Thursday. Nothing she said happened. It was all false, all lies. She is psychotic. She is lying to you. This is a cyber smear. None of this happened. I noticed in the last exchange with her that you were talking about Marc Medoff porn star. Are you aware that I do sex scenes? I've done more sex scenes than she has. I've done them for John Bowen, Arrow, Jim Gunn, Christi Lake. My cock and my ass are in a whole bunch of movies and have been for years."

G. Ross: "I've never seen your cock or ass in any movie."

Medoff: "You haven't missed anything. But I do have more sex scenes than she has. I'm listed in Pat Riley's Porn Star index; she isn't. But that's not my point. I do custom videos. I do hardcore for the Internet. I'm leaving for Brazil for more fucking and sucking. I'm no T.T. Boy , but I do sex. I pay girls and there's nothing peculiar about it. But she ripped me off. She came to New York. She got free airfare; a $200 a night hotel, food, transportation. She ripped me off. She disappeared and worked for everybody else. If you look at what she said, she admits the whole thing. She said she had a decent time, worked for everyone else, she took my money. She lied to you. What does that do to her credibility? If push comes to shove, there's all sorts of documents that she sent me before. There's tapes of conversations, and answering machine tapes. There's so much that would destroy everything she said if this came to anything. But it's not going to because she knows this whole thing is a lie. She ripped me off. We're out $2,000. We flew her in five days, she worked one day and disappeared the entire time. This guy she said her friend that came in from Chicago? That was a trick she picked up on the plane on the way over.

"When she arrived in New York it was, 'I met this guy on the plane. He's going to pay me money to have sex.' She used my room as a whorehouse. This is a cyber smear. I think I should shut up and forget about it, but this really irks me."

G. Ross: "At least you brought a new word to the language. I don't think I've heard this expression even on Geraldo."

Medoff [laughing]: "I'm sorry she lied to you. Check #1107 she deposited last week. That self-righteous babbling about not cashing the check, she cashed it. That was gravy. I didn't owe her that. She took us to the cleaners. It happens once in awhile. It's another day in pornland. Occasionally it happens in this business. Girls show up on sets drunk, they're whacked out on drugs, they go running off with somebody. To me it was no big deal, but she'd didn't even have the integrity to steal my money and slouch away quietly. She stole it and went public that I wronged her. That's the gall of this situation."