Marc Medoff: "Marylin Was a Dupe"

Journalist/photographer and president of APS, Marc Medoff is one of Marylin Star's closest friends.

Medoff: "That would be an accurate statement. I would say in all the years I've been in the business, Marylin Star would have been the closest person in my life, in the business sense. She was a big feature dancer before she went to films. I knew her from the very beginning. I shot her as much as anybody, but our relationship was more than that. We worked together on a lot of projects. The last project was supposed to have been that Gangbang 2000 which didn't come off."

G. Ross: "Could you cast some light on that. I just spoke to Danny Carelli and he said Marylin rethought things and was going to do the gangbang with him anyway."

Medoff: "No, that's completely false. I can't imagine why Carelli would say such a silly thing. She's been out of the business since last summer. She moved and had a new love interest. When she decided to pull the plug on the Metro deal, and I was in all those meetings, I set that up, she pulled the plug on her adult career. That was that. There was nothing after that."

[Medoff said he spoke to Star Tuesday after the story broke.]

Medoff: "Marylin is a porn performer. She knows nothing about Wall Street-stuff. She's a dupe. D-U-P-E. I know nothing of the details of what happened but she was obviously suckered in. No pun intended. This could have happened to 99% of the people in porn who basically know very little of money management and finances. Why is every girl we know in porn totally broke? They know nothing of investments. Whatever happened to Marylin, whatever the details are, is bullshit. They're using her to get to this guy and it's going to work. Right now she's in hiding. They're never going to find her if she doesn't want them to. She's going to make a decision sometime later today in conjunction with her attorneys and people giving her advice. She's going to decide what to do with this. But this is a crock. They're using her. It's probably going to work.

"I've heard some of the stuff on TV, that she's a manipulator, a mastermind. If you know her as I do, and she can be a tough cookie to deal with, she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing when it comes to money. The same could be said of a lot of the girls in the business.

"I'm the president of APS, the Adult Press Service. This is something that we recently started up here. It's an adult version of AP, UPI. We cover all these news events and distribute to the publications we work for. Last night Marylin gave us an exclusive telephone interview. She gave us the whole story. It's tragic. It's funny. We're going to put something out on this in the next 24 hours. She's very upset. This is not something that's really not of her doing.

[There's no website as yet for APS, being that it was a service that just started three weeks ago.]

"Marylin knows nothing of shit like this and for her to be manipulating this big Wall Street guy? Ah-huh. Give me a break. Marylin knows one thing. She knows how to fuck and that's what it boils down to. Unless you talk to her about fucking, you might as well not pay attention.

"As a result of this Marylin's going to need a lot of money for legal expenses. She may actually come back in the business in some form or another."

G. Ross: "I guess my Marylin Star mouse pad has got to be worth something."

Medoff: "How they get her, if they drag her in leg irons which is a possibility, or whether the lawyers cut a deal or she remains a fugitive is right now up in the air. That decision will be made in the next 24 hours."

{APS can be reached at 212-353-0096.]