Marc Medoff: "Kathryn Is Crying Non-Stop"; Star: "I Was Manipulated"

Long time friend of Marylin Star's, Marc Medoff, president of the Adult Press Service says that he's been in contact with Star but is bound by certain agreements with Star not to release information she gave him in an exclusive interview Tuesday night. When interviewed yesterday, Medoff said that he would have the Star interview available in 24 hours but now says that won't be the case."

G. Ross: "You're a world celebrity, now."

Medoff: "Just what I wanted."

G. Ross: "You're even quoted in The National Post in Canada."

Medoff: "What are you going to do?"

Medoff said he had spoken to Star about four times on Thursday. "Her situation is becoming more acute by the monet," said Medoff. "I am bound to embargo everything I have until she gives me the go ahead. That was our agreement going forward. That will remain our agreement until she gives the word. It's very frustating for me. But at least she's not consulting anybody else. That's where we're at. All I can talk about is the few things she is willing to talk to me about on the record. The real good stuff, the papers don't know anything about, we're stuck. C'est la vie. Half of me wishes I weren't her friend so I could go after this story like you guys are. On the other hand, she wouldn't be talking to me, just like she's not talking to anyone else. It's a real Catch-22. I spoke to her a little while ago. She said she was going Christmas shopping but she was afraid to leave the house because she's surrounded by paparazzi and a lot of reporters they've flown up there from the states. It's just touch and go. That's where we're at. Kathryn wants to speak out. She wants to get out some sense of her situation. She's hysterical. She's crying non-stop and she feels terribly victimized and manipulated by this whole thing. She's in a quandary about how to take a step forward, publically."

Medoff says this on Star's behalf.

Medoff: "In terms of what she's willing to say, this is it. She's hysterical and very upset. She feels manipulated. Over and over that's the word she uses, manipulated, used. She feel's she's been victimized. She was surrounded by people who were highly sophisticated, skilled and knowledgeable in a field she knew nothing about. She feels she was taken along for a ride and is now being spit out and turned into a porn star/stripper/slut/prostitute/sleazebag. She's very upset about this and wants to give her side of the story very much in some form but is in a bind. She goes on to say that she's somewhat bemused by horribly she's being portrayed. She said out of the two or three years that she was privy to this inside Wall Street track through this guy, she saw things that were so much more nasty, dirty and obscene and corruptible on Wall Street, that it makes her porn movies and her life seem innocent as a lamb. She's bemused that she's being turned into a monster, when all the monsters she bumped into were in that world [Wall Street].

"She's very horrified by the press accounts. Obviously, a lot of the people in the business have taken shots at her. That hurts her very much and is very thankful to the people that have said nice things about her. She feels very frustrated and feels she's getting a raw deal."