Man steals 'Juli Ashton' from sex shop

While Florida cops investigated the assault with a deadly dildo case, an unknown intruder got away with 'Juli Ashton' after breaking into a New York adult novelty store early Sunday morning. Officer Frank Madiedo was called to the sex shop by the owner, who reported that someone had broken into the store.

But the thief had a hard time getting in. Madiedo noticed that the suspect had tried to break through a wall from the neighboring store, but the water pipes blocked the opening, the police report said. But the suspect was able to enter by smashing a hole in the drywall, the report said.

When police entered the shop, empty boxes that had contained pornographic videos were strewn over the floor and there were footprints made when the intruder walked through the dust from the smashed wall, the report said. More than $120 in cash was taken from the register, along with a life-sized recreation of porn star Julie Ashton's chest and genitals, the report said.

The shop owner told police that "Julie Ashton's flesh-colored [genitalia] and [backside]" is made of foamy latex, is lifelike and "fully functional," the report said. It also is valued at $269. The property was dusted for fingerprints, but no arrests were made.