Man Murdered for Shooting Porn with Woman

BURDWAN, INDIA—The Times of India is reporting that a man was killed by a crowd of men after it was learned that he had shot an explicitly sexual video with a college-aged woman whom he had been tutoring.

“The CD was made a year back but made it to the Burdwan market a week ago. That is when locals identified the girl and all hell broke loose on her family and Bhattacharjee’s,” reported the Times.

The article is unclear exactly where Praloy Bhattacharjee, 40, was beaten to death, but it apparently happened the day after locals recognized the woman from a CD that was being sold in a local market.

According to one scenario, “The tutor was seen at the girl's doorstep at 7.30 a.m. Local youths accosted him and a quarrel ensued. The tutor was assaulted and dragged to Agrani Club, which was locked from outside. He was beaten brutally for a half hour before police managed to rescue him. He died on the way to Burdwan hospital.”