Madelyn Knight: "I Wanna Be Married!"; and the upcoming - note, Knight is spelled with an "N" in this case] was on Howard Stern this morning to tell Stern that her attempts at finding a husband are quite legit, albeit a convenient publicity stunt, nontheless.

When asked, Knight, 27, said she had been married once -to a gay guy who needed his citizenship papers. "I knew him since I was a little kid," Knight said. "But I didn't have sex with him." Knight also said she wasn't into bi-sexual men.

"You're a sexy woman," Stern told her. "You have a certain innocence about you." Of course, the subject got around to anal sex, and Knight said she hasn't done anal, does not do anal, but enjoys sex with other women and enjoys having sex with men. "That's [anal sex] for fags," Knight was quoted once as saying. Stern told her that her butt might loosen up in old age. It was also pointed out that Knight speaks several languages, including fluent French, and had a 1220 on her SAT's. She said she was half-Mexican. "There's a border war going on in your bra," Stern quipped.

Stern explained that men were going to be invited down to the studio [call 1-800-44-STERN] and interviewed by Knight as prospective husbands. Knight said she was looking for someone single and open-minded. "Why get maried?" Stern asked her. "It's a big step. There's a lot of issues to think through." Again stressing that this was all legit, Stern he didn't want to dupe his listeners with some phonus-balonus publicity scam. "To give it your best shot would mean you live for a year or two together," he cautioned Knight who stressed that she'd like to live in New York with husnad-to-be.

"Does a guy have to have a lot of meat?" Stern wanted to know. Knight said she was not looking for "Goliath" and has slept with a minimal number of men despite being a porn star. "I'm not with a lot of guys," she said. "A lot of guys want to have sex with a porn star to say they had sex with a porn star."

Knight however stipulated that she wants someone with a job but that her man doesn't have to be white. She also said she didn't want anyone under 30. "Will you bring other women into the marital bed?" Stern asked her. Definitely," said Knight who indicated that she had some hot girls in mind.

Asked how she got into the business, Knight said she's been an avid porn watcher since the age of 15. She said she was turned on to the business by a friend of hers who became a porn star in her mid-30's. Answering the typical Stern question, Knight, said, no, she was not molested as a child. "But I was pretty much a brat," she conceded.

Knight also invited prospective husbands to come out to Bob's Classy Lady, May 18, to see her.