Mad Jack Videotapes Girlfriend Giving Birth

Mad Jack reports: "I've watched Mila squirt fucking blue stuff out of her ass. I actually watched a little bit of Vomitorium. And I sat through a Kid Vegas movie. And I still made it okay. But at seven o'clock this morning I videotaped my girlfriend having her baby."

G. Ross: "And what a wonderful way to say how much she loves you."

Jack: "What a trip. I just wanted to let you know that none of these shooters have anything on me until they videotape a birth."

G. Ross: "Is this going to show up in one of your upcoming tapes?"

Jack: "I think she'd kill me....this is somebody I've been seeing off and on for a few months. She flipped out when I put her name on the 'Net before. Let's leave her alone. We see each other a lot."

G. Ross: "I would imagine."

Jack: "It wasn't my child, though. She was pregnant when I met her. Because we remember we had this other baby problem with Senneca. I'm running around shooting movies. I'm not knocking all these women up."

G. Ross: "There must be a fertility sign surrounding you."

Jack: "Know what it is? It was that six years of clean and sober and federal prison time. My hormones are raging. But let me be honest, I had serious mixed feelings about filming this. It's a seriously intimate thing. She went into labor yesterday. I told her I was uncomfortable with it and she got a little mad. I said, okay, I'll do it if you want me to. I've never seen anything like it. I was blown away. It was a small baby, 5 pounds, six ounces, but what a mindblower and a real emotional experience."

[Jack said he just shot a brand new girl who he met through Roy Garcia. "Her name is Jody Rider," said Jack. "Her name was Jody Rocks for a minute, but she changed it to Jody Rider, and I'm certain by the time you print this she'll have changed it to something else. She really likes cowgirl. That's her thing. But she's wonderful. I shot her and Senneca the day before yesterday. It worked out great." Jack says he's considering getting a studio to lease out for fetish shoots. "That looks like it's in the cards because I'm doing a lot of Internet stuff now," he says.