Mad Jack Feuds With Playboy

Mad Jack and his newlywed bride Tia apparently have issues with the Playboy Channel and segment producer Pamela Lane, in particular. Jack says it all started with the following email sent to him by Lane.

[From Pamela Lane]: "Mad jack, Confirm the beautiful Tia. It is 250.00 cash. She must bring copy of 2 id's (one w/photo and DOB) signs a photo release from us and from PES and is available for 4 hours. From 5:30 PM to 9:30 pm (although we will probably finish earlier). She should shave the bush around the labia, as we need that exposed for the thrill of a lifetime. Stripper trim is fine, but shave the morning of shoot for clean skin. She will try out some of the various stimulators and tell us what they feel like. If all goes as predicted, she should have some wild orgasms. Cover the breast tat if possible, the other is ok. I like the cute look in second photo with cut offs & little tee shirt, wear something like that. Not going for stripper look, want regular pretty girl look. Cute little white cotton or lace panties (g-string fine).


"Get me a good man (I'm always saying that) and I'll rest easy tonight. I'm flying in tomorrow night. Staying at the Circus Circus (Playboy is cheap). Last name is Lane, if you need me. Waiting to hear back from you on the guy, Thanks again, Pamela."

Mad Jack: "Tia my wife did a shoot for the Playboy Channel Thursday night. What a bunch of full-a-shit people they are. This thing was unbelievable. The email states that they were paying $250 for four hours. The shoot ended up taking about nine hours. They didn't pay Tia for the extra time. This was an electro-stim segment for Playboy's Sexcetera.

"Pam called me on Tuesday or Wednesday. She got my number from Keri Windsor. She needed a couple of models to do the shoot. I said my wife would do it. I submitted the pictures, Pamela loved her and said she had the perfect look. They also needed a guy, so I emailed a picture of Marko, who I've also used for a ton of stuff. Basically, this was Tia putting the cock apparatus on Marko - that kind of thing. They shot this down at PES. Pamela said Dante would like us to come down the day before to experience the equipment and make sure they're comfortable with it. I brought Tia down. Marko was working and couldn't get away, but he's open-minded.

"One of the people from PES ran TIA through a gauntlet of things they have with this electro-chair. It was a pleasurable experience. Then Pam came into town and told us the call time was 5 pm. We were down there at 5, but they were still sitting out in the lobby when I left at 6pm eating peanuts and soda pop. Understand, the people at PES were incredibly accommodating.

Tia, Mrs. Mad Jack, picks up the story from here.

Tia: "After he left we sat in the lobby until 8pm. They finally brought us back and we started going over what we needed to do. We began around 8:30. At 8:45 we took a pizza break. We hadn't got naked, yet. We were barely into the introductory. After the pizza break it was about 9:15. She then said I need you naked. [Tia says they started setting up Marko with cock rings, anal plugs and electro stimulators.]

"At 10 we took another break. I told her as far as I was concerned we went over the time allotted for me to be there. She said don't worry, they'll take care of it. After the break, they hooked me up to the chair which was a vaginal stimulator. She's now rushing through everything. She gave me about 5 to 10 minutes on that. She tells me she needs me to come for the camera which I did. Then they hooked me up to some kind of vaginal plate. It wasn't put on correctly. I was totally being pinched and burned by this thing. Then they strapped me arms and legs to this juicer which is a vibrator and an electro-stimulator. That wasn't done correctly, either. She didn't allow for that, so I was, again, burned and pinched. So it was not about 11. I said I wanted to get out of there. She said, fine, they were done with me. But because Marko had a problem getting up, I did more than what I should have done to help out. She was just rushing this, telling Marko you need to be hard. The owner came down and talked to Marko. Whatever he did, Marko got hard and that was no problem. We finished.

"This is now 12. When she was ready to pay us [cash], she gave me the money. I told her we've been there three hours more than we were supposed to. She said Playboy only sends her with the money she's supposed to pay. I told her that wasn't my fault. She told me to invoice her but it was highly unlikely Playboy would pay. This was totally unprofessional."

Mad Jack: "They were pushing Marko which made things worse: ‘You have to get hard.' That's not how you handle wood problems when there are ones. It made things worse. Dante [Amore] the guy that owns PES and makes the elctro-stim equipment is a super guy. He came down and did something. I don't know what, but Marko finally did achieve wood. Dante feels horrible about this whole thing and how it was handled with Pam. He wants people to enjoy his stuff and because they trying to rush this through, the last part of the experience for Tia was not pleasurable at all.

"When I talked to her this morning she told me this is the first time that we paid models all year and $250 is good money in LA. I said for a 9-hour shoot? Are you nuts? She goes this isn't a hardcore thing. I said, Pam, this doesn't matter. I've been around too long - $250 is garbage money. I'm just hot. $250 for four hours breaks down to $62.50 an hour. As far as I'm concerned, I told her you owe a $190 roughly. She said send her an invoice and I'll submit it to Playboy, but it's unhighly unlikely that they're going to pay. She's trying to put it off on them.

"She just figures that people want to be on Playboy and that's fine and dandy. She [Lane] told me shoots in Los Angeles are usually 10 hour days. I said that would have been fine if that's what you told us. But she didn't. This is out of line. Be honest and upfront.

"Pam also told me this morning, ‘I can't pull money out of my ass.' She got real rude with me. She said we didn't get back until 2 am and it's real early for me. I said so what.

"At first I thought she was really professional. Her e-mails were great, she was good on the phone. And I thought this was going to be a professional situation. Pam's card says segment producer but I have this feeling that she's an independent producer."

When contacted this morning, this is what Pamela Lane had to say.

Lane: "This is the stupidest thing I ever heard. I cut a deal with two models. First of all, they're not even Playboy quality-people he sent me. Her pictures were much prettier than she was but that's another story. We had some delays. The guy they sent us could not get an erection to save his soul. He [Mad Jack] told this poor girl that they were going to have makeup and hair and all these people to attend to her. Of course he had never asked me about that, and, no, we didn't have makeup and hair...

"The shoot went over. We had a great deal of difficulty because he couldn't get an erection. It delayed us about an hour and a half. It pushed us into dinner time. We fed everybody. We finally did something to cause an erection and got all the footage we needed and cut everybody lose. She said she wanted more money. I told her she could invoice Playboy. I gave her my card. Mad Jack calls me at 8:30 this morning. Now we shot long after they left. We didn't get done until 2 this morning. Mad Jack calls yelling at me...the man was just a total idiot. He has no reason to even call me. What is he, her pimp? It's not even his wife.

"I've already talked to her. There were other people who were there who were interested in her. But after she asked for more money, Dante Amore told me he's not going to work with her if she acts like that. I said she was cool about it. But as soon as I tell Dante this has all come about, trust me, she won't work for him again. He's got a bunch of stuff coming up.

"Why is he [Mad Jack] calling you in the first place? All she has to do is send an invoice. I told him we play a flat rate, but why is he calling you? This thing is silly."

Lane evidently called Mad Jack after the phone call and left a message. Jack said, contrary to what Lane said about him acting on the phone like an idiot, that he was very level headed. "Now on this voice mail," says Jack, "she said she'll pay minus the time for dinner and Marko's erection and that we'll never work for Dante again. Who cares? I don't have problems with Dante. My problems are with Pam, not with Playboy. I told her that I thought Playboy was a bullshit organization.

This is the phone message Lane with Mad Jack. Lane questions him why she called AVN.

Lane: "I told you to submit an invoice, this is fine. I tell you what we'll do. We'll pay the amount overage not including the time for dinner and Mark's inability to get an erection. And you'll never work with Dante again. Tia who they were going to hire, Dante has no interest in working with her if you cause these many problems on a shoot. So that's fine. You guys don't want to work with Playboy, you don't want to work with Dante anymore, that's up to you. We'll take care of this and you've got your wish. Okay? Sorry you didn't have any patience with us and let us take care of this and sent an invoice like I'd asked. But you've made your decision.