Tony Montana \nVAN NUYS, CA - Tony Montana wants his post-HIV diagnosis career to take a radical step forward: he's signed a deal with Leisure Time to produce the first known HIV-positive adult film, Leisure Time chief Mike Kovacs tells AVN On The Net.

Assuming the film - which has the backing of the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation, among others - gets made, it has a loftier aim than mere titillation, Kovacs says.

"We're going to turn it into a very positive, very educational piece," he says of the film, tentatively titled Positively Yours. "The theme will be that, just because you come down with HIV, it doesn't mean your life will have to end. It'll promote safe sex, the steps an HIV-positive person should take for safe sex."

Kovacs even hopes the softcore version of the film becomes something doctors could recommend their patients view for educational value.

He says it was Montana's idea to do the film, Montana being "a good friend" of Leisure Time, and the cast will be only performers who are infected likewise. The cast hasn't been named yet, but Kovacs says only that Leisure Time has spoken to Brooke Ashley about appearing in the film. Leisure Time is hoping for a release in April or May 2000.

Montana tested positive for HIV Oct. 7, prompting a quarantine of several porn stars who'd worked with him and others who'd worked with them until they tested clean. The news broke not long after he began a comeback following a layoff from porn work.