Mila \nFLAGSTAFF, AZ - Howard Stern, call your office: Nymphos star Mila Shegol and Flagstaff disc jockey Rowdy Walker were hit with obscenity charges this week, over an August on-air incident promoting a local adult video store involving Shegol offering sexual favors to those attending the store's grand opening.

Walker and Shegol were doing a live broadcast for KZGL-FM outside the Image adult video store. Shegol, who had come to pose suggestively with customers as part of a promotion, was handed the mike and let fly with what the Arizona Republic calls "two minutes of the bluest audio in the annals of radio."

"I'm surprised we didn't have a lot of car wrecks, given some of the things that were said," says Flagstaff deputy police chief Bob White. And, done, apparently - a plainclothes officer was said to have been so outraged by Shegol's routine that he went to Image - and was promptly groped by porn actress Elizabeth Ponomareva. That incident was reportedly photographed as well, according to the Republic.

Misdemeanor charges were filed this week against Walker and Shegol, who has also starred in Fassion Passion and Othello. Shegol was charged with disorderly conduct and indecent exposure; Walker was charged with facilitation "because he was the one with the live microphone," the Republic says.

Shegol says the charges surprised her. She says it was the radio station's responsibility to cut her off if they thought she was going too far, but that no one either stopped her nor cut her off mike. She also says that when she made the store and radio appearance, there didn't seem to be any trouble and no one, including police, had hassled her.

Shegol's radio schpritz attracted hundreds to Image's grand opening, all right, but Image owner Ryan Lenguyen, a Vietnamese immigrant who escaped Saigon two days before its fall to the Communist North Vietnamese in 1975, tells the Republic that wasn't exactly the way he wanted to introduce the store.

"She was reminded that this is a very small, conservative town, and we all assumed she understood what that entailed," he says.

But what he got, he says, was "half the police department breathing down my neck," community outrage, and a complaint filed against KZGL with the FCC, the paper continues. No action has been taken on the complaint, however.

Flagstaff Mayor Chris Bavasi says the Image incident caught the city by surprise because city law only addresses adult-oriented bookstores, thanks to a crackdown on adult businesses here three decades ago. But he says the laws will be revamped now.