They make no secret that they're gunning for America Online's position in the online world. EarthLink and MindSpring are merging to form the United States's number two size Internet service provider.

Their merger means one ISP with three million members and revenue of about $650 million, says ZDNet News. The deal will close in 2000, with the new company keeping the EarthLink name and stock ticker but headquartering itself in Atlanta, MindSpring's home.

MindSpring president and CEO Mike McQuary says the merger means AOL can't just coast in the ISP races. "This is a two-horse race," he tells ZDNet. "I think there will be some people wetting their pants in Virginia (where AOL is headquartered). Frankly, I'm so excited I may wet mine."

The combined ISP is said to be aiming for five million customers by the end of 2000 and plans to spend about $300+ million to attract them, ZDNet says.