Luke Ford to "Take Out" Mike Albo

Luke Ford has graciously extended a luncheon invitation to Mike Albo scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. Ford, via phone, invites Albo, thusly:

Ford: "Hey, Mike, I'm sorry. I didn't get your message until this afternoon. It was too late to meet you. Sorry if I've given you offense. Can't believe there was inaccurate information on my website about you. When John Douglas told me you were dressed as a little fairy on that Wicked set I should have known that was false and misleading information. I want to apologize on behalf of all of us at And we'd like to take you out to lunch. I mean we'd really like to take you out, pal. I mean lunch is on us. I think that's Tuesday at noon. Me and John Douglas, we're going to take you out. I mean take you out, pal. So meet me out front of headquarters at 264 South La Cienega #1417 at noon on Tuesday. And we're going to take you out, pal."

Albo: "Any guy who threatens me, especially Luke Ford, is in for such an ass whipping, that he ain't gonna recovery from it. Do you believe this guy? Talk about somebody who's going to get their ass beaten so badly. I can't believe this guy."

Albo says he has no idea what's started this new round of intellectual point-counterpoint between him and Ford. "Once again Luke Ford is showing he has nothing to write about," said Albo who went on to make some comment about Ford and closets. Whatever that meant. "He used to ask me to go to synagogue with him. He used to ask me to go to the movies with him. Of course I refused all that."

Albo: "Apparently when I abandoned him in east LA I was trying to be kind to him rather than kick his ass," Albo continued. "So he stopped for a long time. For whatever reason in his deranged, obsessive mind, he has decided again to start this whole thing that I'm a fairy. Some guy had related an incident to Luke about how Mark Kernes and I were on the set of a Wicked Pictures movie dressed like fairies. I wasn't on the set. I wasn't there. If he wanted to verify this all he had to do was call. I don't know what the guy's problem is. I've tried to set up meetings with him. And he won't show up. Now he's trying to threaten me. The little bitch won't show up to meet me face-to-face. I've probably mentioned this story ad nauseam and my editorial assistant will verify it because he was in the car.

"Luke was so afraid of me, sitting in that car, that his hands were shaking. It's easy to be a tough guy and talk shit when you're safely ensconced in your Beverly Hills apartment. If he has something to say to me he knows where to find me. That's a mark of a man. Will you say what you say in print to the persons face, or will you cower like a little girl inside your apartment and snipe from a distance? Which anybody can do. Anything I've ever written about anybody in our magazine that's gotten anybody pissed off, I've said it to their faces as well. Unlike Luke who will not who's just as quiet as can be when he's confronted with me. I'd still like to talk to him face to face, but he apparently is too much of a little bitch to do that. He probably knows that I'm going to lose my temper and punch his nose and break it. I swear to God, you can tell anybody this, if I have to go to jail for this, if I get sued for this, I don't care. It's totally worth it to me. I got plenty of time. I'm issuing a challenge to him. He can meet me anytime, anywhere and get his nose broken. Or he can knock this shit off.

Gene sez: "From where I sit it, it looks like Luke genuinely wants to mend fences and take Mike Albo out. I mean really take him out, pal."

Albo adds this in a postdate: "Gene: Epithets such as "fairy," "fag," and "punk" seem, on the surface, very easy to use, but, unfortunately, too many people don't use these words correctly. Generally speaking, these words no longer connote homosexuality, but a lack of the qualities needed to be a man-as opposed to a boy or a woman-in our society.

"A man, as most of us were raised to believe, has a sense of honor and would rather lose a limb than violate that honor. A man keeps his word, and doesn't say things he can't back up. A man says what he means and means what he says.

"A man also has the courage of his convictions and is therefore not afraid to speak his mind. If a man has something to say, he'll say it publicly and directly and does not have to resort to posting insults on an electronic page. A real man will confront things head-on and is loathe to be perceived as a cowering little coward.

"Any man who was reared in the United States will recognize the truth in what I'm saying. And, it's with this in mind that I have to say that I'm somewhat perplexed by Luke Ford's attempts over the last week or so to hurl the word 'fairy' so casually at me.

"After all, I've tried on several occasions to meet with Luke to discuss this matter, but he is apparently too petrified to do so. If anyone deserves the sobriquet of 'fairy' it would seem to be Mr. Ford, who, besides spending most of his waking hours in pursuit of 'gossip' (which is usually seen as being the domain of women, by the way), lacks the courage to say what he what he writes on his site about me to my face.

"Since it is painfully obvious that Luke scavenges your site for material (a real man, incidentally, doesn't have to resort to lifting the work of others), I know that he will be reading this, and, more likely than not, will be posting this as well. I'd like to reiterate that if anybody truly fits the definition of a fairy, it's Luke Ford.

"In other words, Luke, if you want to be respected as a man, instead of being seen as some sort of squirrelly little half-chick, you'll get on the phone, call my office and set a time and place where we can meet and discuss things man-to-boy.

"If you decide that you would rather continue to snipe at me from the safety of your apartment, so be it. That will just underscore my impression that while you may be a lot of things to a lot of people, the one thing you certainly aren't is a man."

Gene sez: "I'd like to be there for this meeting, if it ever takes place."