Lucky a Crossover Hit on YouTube

To celebrate the continuation of award-winning gay XXX soap opera Wet Palms (Episodes 10-12 are being written right now), Jet Set Productions has posted a music video chronicling the first nine episodes on YouTube.

The music video was created from a song, "Something I Should Have Said," composed and sung by Gabriel Knight who plays the lead role of Lucky Hanson in the series.

Video editing was provided by an industry veteran from MTV. The audio session was produced during the shooting of Episode 9 on a day when Knight was being filmed in a professional recording studio. The music video is one of the extras on the Wet Palms 7-9 DVDs.

“What’s great about YouTube," said Mark Hovanec, Executive in Charge of Production for Jet Set, "is that we reach an audience that doesn't typically seek out adult content or gay content. The music video has been watched by more than four thousand people in two days! Viral marketing is a great tool. If you can get something to stick, you get for free what your budget would never allow.”

“Something I should have said”is now playing on YouTube at

Gabriel Knight photo courtesy of