'Love, American Style' Debuts on <i>AVNInsider</i>

As an ex-con and a recovering alcoholic*, my road to finding lifelong romance has been a slightly rocky one. With my prior convictions, myriad of bad tattoos and tendency to kick the shit out of anyone who looks at me cross-eyed, nailing a fine millionairess seems slightly out of reach for me. But courting a puke-breathed, stringy-haired lush that has 700 cats and pisses the bed after a hard night out doesn't sound that sweet to me either (believe me, I've given it the old college try more than once).

So what's an ex-con and recovering alcoholic to do?

I'm a new age kind of guy, and still relatively young, so I decided to make a compromise and search for true love in the adult entertainment industry. A consummate quest for a hooker with a heart of gold, if you will.

To read Episode 1 - Taryn Thomas of Fog's "Love, American Style" column, click here.