Looking for a Porn Star

According to John T. Bone, his contacts in the British press are looking for a pornstar.

Bone: "There is a musician. His name is John Oszajcia. He plays with a band called Popism. He's a drummer with the band. He reportedly dated a porn star some time ago. We're looking for that porn star and it could be worth 5 to $10,000 for her. The point is we don't know her name. All we know is that he dated her. Some friends of mine in the press are very anxious to contact anyone that he's dated. If she'll give up the story and maybe have some pictures with him, it could be worth a tremendous amount of money and a lot of publicity, particular if we get TV involved."

Bone said his company Cream is taking off. "But it's hard work," he says. "We started shipping Monday Choke the Bitch 2 [Priscilla Jane, Sunshine, Aurora]. We just street dated The Brides of Countess Recula. We're doing very well with it and quite well in repeats. Next week we start shipping Porno Mondo 3. And we're working flat out on the Million Man Gangbang. That's coming together very nicely."

Bone: "One of the strip clubs has approached us to host the press breakfast. I think the most important thing about these gangbangs is, indeed, the champagne press breakfast."

G. Ross: "Where's the gangbang itself?"

Bone: "We're going to have it here at the studio but are negotiating with a strip club to do the press breakfast in their club. There will be a pre-party for the press and the girls, then the gangbang, then the club will give free admission to all the participants to go to the club that night as an after gangbang party.