Live Adult Auctions Launches

LOS ANGELES - Today marks the official launch of the Live Adult Auctions company and website. Live Adult Auctions is set to be the largest live auction network in adult entertainment. Live Adult Auctions will conduct four live auctions per year exclusively in conjunction with AVN tradeshows and consumer events. The first official Live Adult Auction is scheduled for June 13, 2009, at Erotica LA at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Live Adult Auctions will have over 500 items from the adult industry including top porn stars, studios and websites. Available items include autographed memorabilia (signed pictures, DVD's, skateboards, snowboards); set wardrobes; bikinis; toys; props; and actual sets from premier adult movies. Plus, Live Adult Auctions will be auctioning off an exclusive opportunity to be a presenter alongside a top adult celebrity at the F.A.M.E. Awards on June 13, as well as a VIP package to the AVN Entertainment Expo and the AVN Adult Movie Awards in January 2010 in Las Vegas.

Clients will be able to bid on items live at the actual auction, via phone or online using the Live Adult Auction software. There will be a showcase day on Friday, June 12 on the show floor at Erotica LA so consumers can take a look at the items prior to the Live Auction on Saturday. Items will also be showcased on the Live Adult Auction website at where new items are being added daily.

"We felt this was a great opportunity with the economic times to come up with a new product that would enable the talent and studios to make some extra money while also giving the fans what they want," explained Stephen Bugbee, co-founder of Live Adult Auctions. "We are excited about the potential of this new project."

"We're excited to team up with X2K to bring this feature to Erotica LA. An auction of this magnitude is something the fans have never seen before and are sure to love," said Steven Komarnitsky, account manager for Erotica LA. "It also serves as an additional revenue stream for studios and talent who would like to sell unique, one-of-a-kind items."

Studios, talent and adult companies interested in putting items up for the live event please contact [email protected] for information. Live Adult Auctions will handle all aspects of pick up and inventory as well as photographing and managing the items prior to and all the way to delivery to the consumer. Individuals and companies providing product will be paid off of net revenue created by the sale of the product to fans, consumers and collectors.

A portion of the proceeds are to benefit ASACP and the FSC programs and

Live Adult Auctions (310.242.5700) is a California LLC and a partnership between a large auction house and X2K consulting and media services. For more information please email [email protected] or visit [email protected] or