Lisa Ann, Derek Hay Both Issue Statements on Hep C Allegations

LOS ANGELES—The war of words between Lisa Ann and LA Direct Models owner/president Derek Hay heated up today with both parties issuing statements to the press.

The pair have been engaged in a war of words since Lisa Ann on Sunday claimed that a male performer, later revealed to be Alex Gonz, allegedly tested positive for hepatitis C and despite him knowing this continued to book work through his agency, LA Direct Models. Hay asserts that his agency did not book the scene in which Gonz was slated to work with Ann and that Ann so far has offered no proof to back up her allegations.

Below are both statements with Ann's first, followed by Hay's response.


Performer Lisa Ann provides an official statement in regard to her allegation of a male performer testing positive for hepatitis C.

LATATA, and anyone else, impl[ies] that I did not have the information I needed to make such claims, but can they prove me wrong? If so, I would be thrilled. Thrilled to know no one in the industry I love so much is sick. That is not what anyone wants, for anyone in the industry.

You are correct in that I am not privy to the information of someone else’s health records. However, I am privy to common sense; I am willing to apply that common sense to satisfy my own research, and to protect myself and the health and well being of my business.

When I was asked to work with Alex Gonz, I requested and received a copy of his test on my phone, and noticed that the test was from a facility neither TTS nor CET. Since Alex is represented by Derek Hay of LA Direct Models, my first phone call was to him. I asked Derek some important questions; the first question was "Derek, do you let your talent work with performers who have tests that are NOT from CET or TTS?" Derek’s reply was "no." I then asked why he would have one of the male performers, who he represents through his agency, listed as active on his site, testing at Lab Corp and not through TTS or CET.

Derek tried to deny it, but he then mentioned there was an issue about the non-industry-approved test on another set, but he wasn't sure of the details.

Now I call bullshit on Derek’s response to me regarding Alex Gonz and his test. Derek knows every detail of what happens on every set he send his performers to, because that’s how he watches his money and conducts his business. So, Derek—please don't try to pull that with me. I have been in the business longer than you, and by the looks of how this is playing out, I will be in the business a lot longer than you too. 

For those of you who have read the official statement from Derek on XBIZ, he states the industry does not require a clean hepatitis test in order to shoot. 

Derek—thank you for admitting you knew about this “loophole.” You came clean in your own, roundabout way.

What the industry needs is for those ... who are more worried about money than the health of the industry, to get shut down. If you are an agent who allows your talent to go to set with a non-industry-approved STD test, then you are a danger to the industry, and you need to be shut down.


Lest anyone forget, I worked at LA Direct Models for a year. I learned a lot during that year. I have enough information to do what ever I need, but that would do nothing for me.

However, protecting this business does everything for me.



Though I sincerely do not wish to be drawn into a public back and forth by Lisa Ann, I feel compelled to state a few facts for the clarity of the record and the best interest of all performers and studios in the industry. 

It will be obvious to all that Ms. Ann make her best effort here not to ‘get to the facts’ but in fact to twist the tale in order that I personally or Direct Models can be found at fault. 

Clearly this is not the case and it is very sad that she finds the need to do this, especially surrounding an allegation—yet unproven—but nonetheless most serious in nature.

I will avoid responding in kind, ignore the venomous nature of her attack and provide some clear facts.

• I did not inform Lisa Ann that Direct Models only permits its talent clients to test through TTS or CET only. LabCorp is a large and trusted lab that has run tests for many talent for many years and is familiar to many talent and studios, and to APHSS.

• Studios individual testing policy varies but many studios and APHSS accept testing from a variety of labs and draw stations so long as the industries required tests are administered.

• APHSS provides a list of accredited labs on their website that talent may choose from.

By way of example one of them they list is STD Status
Approximately 2,000 locations nationwide
Hours will vary by location
(888) 789-5639
Lab(s) utilized: LabCorp Laboratories
Test turnaround time 1-4 business days, in most cases

STD Status is neither CET nor TTS 

• Direct Models did learn that Alex Gonz had tested using a draw station and using Lab Corp as the analysis lab that returned the results. Upon learning of this he was directed by Direct Models not to do this again and to use TTS or CET, as there was no good reason that we knew of to do otherwise when testing in Los Angeles. Also see below" 

• Alex Gonz booked most of his own work and it has been stated already that Direct Models booked one (1) shoot in July and one (1) in August, for him. The second one in August was in fact commuted to a dialogue only scene not because the studio would not accept a LabCorp test but because the LabCorp test took four days for results to be returned and was not back in time for the shoot. Alex—despite numerous reminders from Direct Models chose to test only the day before the shoot, and in informing us he had finally tested, neglected to inform us that he done so using a draw station and LabCorp and not either CET or TTS. That he had done this was not revealed until the shoot day when he, agency and studio, were looking for his test results in order that he could be cleared to shoot sex.

• Direct Models did not know then, nor knows now, whether the allegation that Alex Gonz is positive for hep C have any merit or truth. The only way that could be known would be for us to be shown a positive test result, to be informed of such a result by a doctor or other health professional, or for Alex Gonz to inform us of that himself.

None of those things have occurred. 

• For Lisa Ann to state that Direct Models did know this, or should have known this, is the height of irresponsibility and belies a gross misunderstanding or ignorance of HIPPA law.

We could only know if one of the three (3) items listed above occurred.

Such matters of serious health risk, require and demand a considered and calm analysis. ...

• LATATA has asked Lisa to come forward with whatever evidence she possess or has been provided that lend credence to her claim, thus far I am unaware this has been provided. 

• Lisa Ann has stated that she offered to buy Alex Gonz a new test at TTS or CET and that had he done this—this would have revealed the truth of the matter. This is incorrect as until Monday of this week (Aug. 12) neither TTS nor CET provided Hep tests as part of the standard panel.

The standard panel of test required by studios and APHSS currently includes HIV by Aptima, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis by RPR and Trep Sure (not always both).

On Monday of this week (Aug. 12) and as a result of communication between LATATA and TTS as a result of this allegation, TTS agreed to reinstate their complementary testing of Hep B and C through the remainder of August. This is tremendously helpful.

• The scene for which Lisa Ann was cast with Alex Gonz was not booked by Direct Models. That same studio has apparently shot Alex Gonz many times in the previous months and Lisa Ann states she knows that he shot two gangbang scenes and one orgy scene for that studio included among those scenes. None of those scenes were booked by Direct Models. 

• Perhaps Lisa Ann might ask that same studio that employs her and Alex both—why they accept a LabCorp test for their scenes? The answer is because it contain all of the industries required tests and fits within the industries or studios required time frame of acceptance—i.e not older than 30 days.

• That studio does not require talent to have an APHSS green light for working for them, they require that talent bring a clean test with required test results and that the test not be older than 30 days. Does Lisa Ann believe they are at fault for this policy? Why then is she willing to work for them? 

• Or only that Direct Models is at fault—on a shoot that Direct Models did not book? 

It begins to get farcical so I will finish. I will finish with a few questions of my own. 

With no reliable evidence to support the question(s) below and so with only the ‘word on the street’ to go by, which is the same credence from which Lisa Ann make her allegation, apparently.

Unless she is privy to information withheld from us that would assist to answer her question definitively. 

With that precursor, and so clearly stated, I pose the following questions.

I have been informed that Alex Gonz took a test at CET testing facility in June during the time when both CET and TTS were performing hepatitis tests for no additional charge along with the adult industry's regular panel.

• Can anyone confirm or deny this?

• Lawfully no one in possession of these results may reveal them to anyone else, unless the patient has given permission for that. 

• Was the result of that test positive for hep C?

• Is that why APHSS marked him as unavailable even though he had good test results for the standard adult industry panel through Lab Corp?

• It would certainly be revealing to know all or part of that.

• Could that be the reason Alex chose to test at Lab Corp where he could choose specifically what tests to take and therefore choose not take a hep test?

These are the questions that if answered may lead us to the truth.

Direct Models is certainly interested to learn the truth and if a loophole in the industry testing procedures has been found, to assist in an effort to close it. 

If anyone is able to assist in answering them—please write me at [email protected].

While speculation about the questions Hay raises above runs rampant, another query might be more productive: What changes will be made in the future to address concerns among performers about the risk—albeit low—of contracting hepatits?

In response to all the brouhaha, TTS has pledged to reinstate hepatitis C testing as part of its basic panel though the remainder of August. In addition, FSC CEO Diane Duke announced that APHSS will be adding hep C testing to the required panel administered by APHSS-approved facilities beginning Sept. 1.

And for anyone who's new to the industry and thinks this is the first time a Hep C scare has cropped up, here's a snippet of recent history: Read this article from 2004 written by Sharon Mitchell, then the executive director of AIM Healthcare Foundation.