Legend Exec Urges Major Toilet Investigation to Clear Witrock

Jeff from Legend adds some further comment to a story that may be developing into "Witrockgate".

Jeff: "The Legend website is profiling each director to try to give the fans some insight on their favorites. There is a rumor that Bill Witrock has hidden pee cams. We're not saying that he actually does. We're just basically pointing out for the fans that this rumor is circulating around. We've never fully investigated to find out whether it's a true statement. I know you talked to Bill sometime back. But I think you should examine his toilet."

G. Ross: "He offered, but I didn't go....for this to work, it would have to be a shakedown inspection."

Jeff: "That's what needs to happen. We're not saying he has it, but we're pointing out that the rumor's out there. And if indeed it is true, we applaud him for his genius."

G. Ross: "This would take real engineering know how to make something like this [a pee cam] happen....has anyone investigated Witrock to see if he's got a background either in submarime command or periscope maufacturing?"

Jeff: "No, we've never done that. But I've heard from ex partners of his that such a device does exist. That's why we felt it necessary to put it up on the website."

G. Ross: "Just so you would know, Bill, time and time again, staunchly defends his honor and denies those stories."

Jeff: "Almost too much, though, don't you think? I think the ball's in your court."