Leery of Credit Hack? Try Password-By-Phone

That most of the world's shoppers do not use credit cards, there have been more than a few recent security scares, and dialers are fraught with fraud underscores the need for a new electronic global billing tool, Password-By-Phone.com, its creators said while launching the product July 11.

"Surfer’s will be pleasantly surprised to see a simple call-to-action in their native languages," said PBP Business Development Manager Marc Jarrett. "We currently geo-target in 35 languages and counting. Our solution is the only one that allows adult webmasters to make money globally, including from the rapidly growing Chinese market."

The dialer was destroyed, the company said, by high fraud rates that provoked inflated telephone bills that destroyed consumer confidence and resulted "in mass rejection of invitations to have additional software downloaded onto their PCs," with rising broadband penetration finishing what fraud began: making dialers obsolete.

PBP, however, has launched with several global telecommunications interconnect agreements in place, the company continued, with domestic numbers shown in markets where premium rates are supported and users invited to call international numbers in all other markets to get the necessary passwords to unlock member areas for half an hour. PBP collects the revenue from the terminating telecom connection, the company said.

"It’s a win/win," Jarrett said. "Users love this solution since it is transparent, easy-to-use, and at last they have a way to pay you and enjoy your content. And more importantly, webmasters will love it since they are handed a new revenue stream overnight from surfers who visited their sites anyway – a fantastic recurring business."

The company calls the PBP program "affiliate-friendly in all respects," with program owners paying their affiliates and webmasters referring others to PBP for 10 percent commissions. There are no set-up fees, and all routing costs and non-payables reflect in rates available, PBP said, "which is significantly more than the dialer companies were offering."