Late Breaking: Rob Black Signs Amber Lynn

Though he said it wasn't official, when asked, Rob Black admitted that he has signed Amber Lynn on as the new Extreme contract girl. "We're in the talks to do something," Black said. "We shot something Thursday with her and Luciano. She got fucked in the ass, and her stuff's going to be released on the Armageddon label. She's going to be like the poster child for that line and it's going to lend credibility to it." Black said the whole thing was a 12 o'clock decision and he would have more details this week.

Black also denies rumors that Kristi Myst was no longer with Extreme. "What!" he said. "Kristi's our girl. She's dating our new general manager." Black explained that Myst was getting a divorce. "She's currently with Lazie, the bass player from Danzig who's now our new general manager," he said.

Black said he also plans to unveil a new wrestler this weekend - apparently a big name to the XPW roster.

We also had a quick chat with Nicole Bass who was in town during the weekend for the XPW show. Bass stars in Pain and Suffering, the first title in Extreme's new bondage line and she'll be on Howard Stern's show Monday to talk about it. "My new goal is to get in awesome, better shape," said Nicole. "My goal is to be 250 and tight-assed. And I want to be meaner." When read the contents of the Steeve Neece e-mail regarding a proposed bondage tape that would depict Bass torturing some of the Howard Stern crew like Elephant Boy and Crackhead Bob, Bass would neither confirm nor deny. "He [Neece] talks out of his ass," said Bass. "But he's got a big mouth." Nicole however said the idea did have particular merit. "But with Steve running his mouth off, what would you do if you were Howard Stern?" Nicole wanted to know. "Stop it?" Nonetheless, Bass said it's a good idea. But her next video for Black is even more demented than Pain and Suffering. "It's fucking gross," said Bass who supposedly beats up wrestler Kronus. "I am getting into it. What's wrong with me?"

G. Ross: "You're getting in touch with your dark side?"

Bass: "You think? Honestly, I really do enjoy it."

G. Ross: "Next thing you're going to be doing is moving out to California [she's an avowed Eastern-ite] and tanning year round. I can see this whole twisted psyche developing."

Bass: "I really get off on this. I need my fix. I need to beat somebody up."