Lap Dances Tabled in Tampa

The often controversial six-foot rule that requires strippers to maintain six feet of space between themselves and their patrons is under attack again in Florida. rnrn

Five strippers are challenging Tampa's law prohibiting them from giving lap dances.rnrn

The suit, filed Tuesday in Hillsborough County Circuit Court, stems from the strippers' arrests Jan. 6 at the Mons Venus club for allegedly giving men lap dances. Several customers were also arrested, club owner Joe Redner said.rnrn

Redner has challenged the law since it was first passed in 1999. In 2001, a county judge declared the ordinance unconstitutional, but he was overturned by a Hillsborough Circuit judge, who said it does not violate the First Amendment.rnrn

Tuesday's lawsuit marks the first time dancers have challenged the law. rnrn

Redner said he is bankrolling the action. His attorney, Luke Lirot, did not mention the First Amendment in the most recent suit. He claimed police were harassing the dancers and prohibiting them from making a living.rnrn

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