"We're going to do with that parrot what Playboy did with that bunny," chirps Danny Rose of Defiance Haven Internet Group - and he means making the logo of group's forthcoming Web sites the most identifiable logo on cyberearth for legal sex tourism and live sex video online.

And the one feeds the other, he says. FantasyHaven.com (www.fantasyhaven.com) is aimed at presenting fresh live sex video, with a decidedly Latin look and feel, filmed and fed from the island of St. Maartens. DefianceHaven.com (www.defiancehaven.com) will see and raise FantasyHaven one: FantasyHaven viewers will be able to travel to St. Maartens and spend a short stay with the girls they see there.

"They tell me from the other Web sites that the biggest e-mails they get are, how can they go down and be with their models," Rose says by telephone from St. Maartens. "Now, we have the ability to actually do it - the girls you see on FantasyHaven, in the pictures, in the clips, you'll actually be able to come down to the island and be with the girl that you see."

In fact, for about $4,000, Rose says, a surfer who wants to spend real time with a favorite girl on FantasyHaven will get a package including air travel to and from the East Coast, three nights and four days, "and be with one or as many models as you want."

The Defiance Haven Hotel is still being cleaned up from last fall's hurricane. It will feature 46 rooms including eight suites, three auditoriums, and an 80-woman bordello, Rose says. The hotel should be ready to operate by the end of February.

"And it's a guaranteed sex trip," he continues. "All the sites right now, you can type to the girls, or you can call them on the phone and speak one on one, but here you can come down and actually be with them one on one."

And it's perfectly legal, Rose says. Mindful of another New York travel agency drawing fire from Manhattan Congresswoman Carolyn Mahoney - who is pressuring the Queens County District Attorney to prosecute them for setting up Asian and Pacific sex tours - Rose points out that prostitution is legal in the Netherlands - and DefianceHaven is on the Dutch side of St. Maartens and, thus, subject to Dutch law.

"I've spoken to a few attorneys," he says. "And they tell me that as long as you're not soliciting prostitution in the U.S., you're ok."

And lenient Dutch laws on porn help FantasyHaven's plans. "The island of St. Maartens is not governed by the same rules as a lot of U.S. companies would face," Rose says of FantasyHaven's planned offerings. "We can go much more hardcore. I haven't seen such hardcore video on the Net yet, and we're at a pretty good advantage."

FantasyHaven isn't online all the way quite yet, but Rose says it should be running fully by Feb. 10-11 - in more ways than one. "We have stuff now that'll run over a thousand hours," he says. "You won't see the same video twice. We're running canned video stuff now but I'd expect to go live in about four weeks minimum, six at maximum."

That should include on-demand movies, five-minute film clips, and streaming video, Rose says. And he says he will have an excellent source for the movies - he says he's making a deal with a Dutch porn director to provide FantasyHaven the exclusive Web rights to his estimated fifty porn videos a month.

Adult Webmasters can partake of the action by way of TopDollarHaven.com (www.topdollarhaven.com), where they can buy much if not all the product FantasyHaven plans to offer.

Planned as a Webmaster sell site, TopDollarHaven will sell video streams and picture galleries to adult Web sites. The prices: $400 for one video stream; $600 for two; $800 for three. For $1,000, Rose says, Webmasters can buy four video streams plus the a five-thousand picture gallery - or buy the gallery separately for $250 per month

And what's the key to enjoying what DHIG offers cyberspace? Rose puts it into six words: "Leave your morals at the door."