Kristen: "I'm Coming Back Next Month"

Kristen, on the other hand, was certainly in the good vacation vibe when we caught up with her for a little one-on one.

Kristen: "I'm enjoying myself greatly. I haven't had a good vacation like this in a number of years. It kind of reminds me of a camp I used to go to from the age of 6 until I was a counselor. It's just the same thing - a different activity every day. I just wake up a go surfing, go horseback riding, or wind surfing. It's great."

Kristen explains how she got into the business.

Kristen: "I was living with my boyfriend Javier at the time. We moved to Reseda Blvd. I was smoking a bowl of marijuana on my balcony. I looked down and Rick Master happened to be smoking a bowl below me. I was like, 'Hey, what time is it.' He goes, '420' which means marijuana, whatever. So I went downstairs and smoked with him. For a couple of weeks it was like that. Finally I asked him what he did for a living. He told me he was a porn star. Then I met Teri Star and a couple of other people - Charles L'Amour and a few others through him. Then I met Matt Zane through Rick. Rick brought me to a show that Matt's band was playing at. It was at the Troubador. I saw Matt on stage, and I just wanted him so bad and I was hoping his dick would be working later. At an after party we got together and I moved in the next day."

G. Ross: "You left Javier out in the cold?"

Kristen: "Yup. I went home the next day and packed my shit and moved in with Matt."

G. Ross: "Did you give some kind of explanation?"

Kristen: "I'm too young. That's what I said, that it was time for me to move on. We were together 2 1/2 years, and we were so bored, always fighting. I couldn't have sex with him anymore. It totally turned me off to have sex with him. It was yuuuuck."

[Coincidentally, Kristen worked for Matt Zane the same day she ran into him at the Troubador.]

Kristen: "I did a blowjob scene for Matt before we were together. I brought this guy Diesel in and I made him come in 30 seconds. So we had to call Rick in, and I finished doing the blowjob with him. But then I started doing girls right away when I was with Matt. I didn't do guys after that for a year."

Though she would like to be a camp counselor, again, Kristen says it didn't work out..

Kristen: "I can't go back and be a counselor. I tried, but one of the guys knew what I was doing. All year-round, I also have my own swimming pool cleaning and constructing business with my father. He retired two months ago. Now, we have guys who work for us so I don't have to go out and do pools all the time. I can do this. I'm going to keep at porn for a little while. I want to get more into directing, too. And I like fucking. Ever since I started doing boy-girl again, they don't think of me doing girl-girl anymore. I'd like to try and do more girl-girl because I'm not getting any pussy at home.

Kristen: "What was going through your mind at the time you were having problems with the HIV testing?"

Kristen: "Goodness, I tested false-positive. The thing with this whole thing was, I think it was a conspiracy. MTV was planning on coming out for a couple of months. Everybody was preparing for them to come out, and Matt was probably the most excited out of anybody. If anybody knows Matt, they'd know that would be something he'd be excited about.

"And so MTV came out. I've only done girl-girl, and me and Matt rarely fucked at this time. I don't know why, we just didn't. I was eating a bowl of cereal one morning and Matt was sitting down. We were writing a script because we had to shoot the next day. Sharon Mitchell called me and said Kristen you need to come in here. I dropped my bowl of cereal because I knew I was supposed to pick up my test.. Obviously I knew it was a positive because I had to go in there. Me and Matt dropped everything. It took us two minutes to get to AIM. I ran upstairs. Sharon and them really upset me. I walked into her office, and Sharon was in the middle of her MTV interview. Didn't even kick anybody out of the office. Tabitha Soren, all those MTV people were there with the cameras rolling. With that she tells me, 'Sorry, baby. Your test came back positive.' In front of everybody.

"I passed out. Matt catches me. They put me on the couch. I come too with that little thing under my nose. Then we sit down we're I'm like, 'Okay, I got AIDS. How do we figure this out?' Who have I fucked? I'm naming off a few girls that I've done scenes with. My list was probably the shortest that there's been. And we didn't understand where I got it because all the girls on the list all tested negative for month. We were thinking the dentist gave it to me because that's the only other place I could get it.

"Matt put Missy a PA and PM in the business on 24-hour watch with me because I was not going to live. I was ready to kill myself. We continued to take tests. Thankfully, it came out a false-positive. It took about a week and half to find that out. But I'll never trade that experience for anything in this world because I was with a lot of people who helped me out. Chuck Zane, Bert, all of them helped me out more than you can ever imagine. It was like a family pulling together. They called me every day. Chuck was getting lawyers for me to figure this whole thing out. Rob Spallone was calling me every minute. Everybody pulled together. Nobody looked at me bad. People called me. It wasn't like people were running away.

"I saw this thing with Tony Montana, and it disgusted me. People just saw him and cringed and turned away and started whispering. I hope that didn't happen with me, but I'm sure it did with a couple of people. But the people who didn't talk shit about me are still around. They're my friends. People like Inari Vachs and Brian Surewood gave me a big hug and said it's false that there was no way I could have it. They just kept giving me that boost. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

G. Ross: "At that point in time you felt it was really over?"

Kristen: "I did. I think about it now."

G. Ross: "Did you give a thought how you would do it?"

Kristen: "I was ready to go. I was going to shoot myself up with a whole lot of heroin - that's how my brother died - or I had guns at my disposal. I try not to keep guns around me anymore. That just showed me right there that something like that would make me want to do it. What if I had killed myself? I would have missed this, where we're at right now. It's a really selfish thought that I go back to once in awhile ever since I was a little girl. It's the easy out and I'm such the person to take the easy way out."

G. Ross: "So working with guys now is not an issue with you?"

Kristen: "I love it! I did girl-girl for a good year and got really bored. You've reviewed a number of my movies, and if you noticed, they started getting a little bit boring. I was trying to come up with new shit. I'm a pretty anxious fuck. I like to talk a lot and really like to get into a girl's pussy, but it started getting a little boring. So I said I'm going to do a guy. So, as a favor, I did it free for Devon [Sapphire]. It's something he never sold. It was something me, Vivian Valentine and Chris Cannon did. That was an amazing scene. We put a couch through the wall. Literally, outside and downstairs. I totally loved it. It was awesome. It was better than sex at home.

"I love the camera. It's like I'm living out fantasies in my porno life. I can have my personal lovey-dovey relationship at home, but when it comes to work - I mean here, I fucked on the beach, on reefs and rocks with waves crashing behind me and white waters just going everywhere. I almost started crying. Not from pain or anything, but just how beautiful it actually was.

"It's really a good group that's here. We're all like a family, it's almost like a commune here. All of us fuck each other. All of us love each other. There's not one enemy here, and that is so amazing. Because, usually, whenever you try to get a bunch of talent together like this, coming from a director's standpoint, it goes to shit. Somebody hates somebody else. This group's talking about that group. This time, everyone's just trying to have a good time. It's really a beautiful thing to see. I hope to come back next year and the year after that. And the fans are great, too. And I love the couples, too.

"There were couples out here who were trying to put some spark back in their sex lives. I saw an old couple, must have been 50 years-old, fucking out here on the beach last night. Just having a great time. All of us girls were going, 'Yeaaaah.' It's so awesome."

G. Ross: "How do you go back to Van Nuys once you've been in Paradise?"

Kristen: "I don't know how to beat that. Back home it was kind of fun, but I don't know how ever to compare to this. I'm bringing my boyfriend and best friend back to Puerto Vallarta next month and just vacation for a week by ourselves. I have to share this with my friends. I can't let my best friend not see this beauty."