Kiss Kissed Off?

Kiss aka Sherry Foster, left a phone message Friday afternoon.

Kiss: "This is Sherry Foster, formerly known as Kiss from the company Passion Pictures. I've basically been working with David Brett my partner or so-called partner for the last few years. I have a long story to tell you about it all, but I don't want to go into too much on the phone. He's basically trying to dissolve our company and steal it from me. I just feel that you might want to write about it. This person basically came into our industry, has taken advantage. He was okay when I thought he didn't really know what he was doing, but now I've found out a little bit more information. I'm not happy that he's still running the company that I built and selling movies in our industry. He basically used me to do it, and, not only that, he's stealing my company away from me."

Needless to say, David Brett was not exactly thrilled when he heard about Foster's phone call.

Brett: "She's grabbing at straws. Judge Judy would throw her ass out of court. All I can tell you is that we split up in the summer time. I was into this business for over $100,000 of my own money. She was in for no money. How can this be her company? You can look up the legal records. The company is in my name as sole proprietor. It's legally my company, and my company from the very beginning. I brought her in and gave her an opportunity to work with me.

"I was already shooting movies before I met her. Ron Jeremy directed the first movie that I partnered on with my accountant. We both put up the money, we hired Ronnie and he directed. This was going on three years ago. I met Sherry. We got together. We were together for about a year before we came up with the idea to come up with a company called VidKissCo Entertainment.

"She worked about three or four days a week, about three or four hours a day, and didn't contribute any money. I did all the work. I worked 60 to 80 hours a week. I've got a Bachelor of Science degree from USC. I've been in business 20 years. I was a licensed real estate broker. I understand business. She was trying to corner me and wanted me to sign contracts for a partnership, and I felt like I was working with someone who wasn't capable of being a partner. To be frank with you, she didn't have the education and wasn't putting in the time. How was she a partner? When she backed me into a corner, I went to my family, I told them what was going on.

"She forced me into a corner, and I don't do real good when I get backed into a corner. Through the process of this past year, I started Passion Pictures. I dropped VidKissCo from everything - I've closed the bank account. I don't know what Sherry's capable of. What she did - I brought in a salesman named Gary and he ended hooking up with her two weeks ago. He went over to her house on a Saturday. She took him to bed, and he didn't show up for work the following Monday. I fired him. This guy came to my home with no food, no clothes, no money, no car, nothing. I was asked by my CPA who was friends with him when they were kids to give him a chance. I let him stay in my house. Basically she came over one night and saw all these boxes that we were starting to ship for Ally McFeel and I Love Bobbi, which, by the way, she had nothing to do with. She got a little upset and saw all this stuff happening. Her and Gary started talking, he went over there and never came back.

"There's a big deal that's about to happen. I'm not supposed to talk about this. What happened was, when Gary realized I wasn't going to take him back, they called up all my contacts, clients and this person who's putting together a major deal for next year. This person pretty much told them to screw off. I'm very angry because she's starting to pull some stuff, and if she pushes hard, she doesn't know who she's fooling with. I gave this girl the world. I was giving her $200 a week. I bought her a $12,000 car. She was living in my house. I took care of this girl. When I first met her on a shoot, she was strung out with Jeremy Irons. She was thin. She wasn't healthy. I took her to Europe to see her family.

"Rather than looking into the mirror and finding out why all this stuff is happening to her, she's trying to create trouble for me. I even promised her when she moved out that I would give her 25% ownership in the first three movies I did with her. Now I'm not giving her anything. She doesn't have a leg to stand on. Legally, the company's in my name in the state of California. I don't know what she's trying to do except cut off her nose to spite her face.

"She'll tell you she gave me all her contacts and introduced to all these people. I was already started in the business that's how I met her. I don't like to talk bad about people, but what she did with this guy Gary a couple of weeks ago turned out to be the best thing for me. He was a loose cannon.

This guy got together with her and they started doing drugs. I know this for a fact. I can even let you listen to messages on my answering machine at 3:30 or 4:30 in the morning threatening me. People don't stay up that late unless they're on something. If she's all upset, it's because she's been caught, and it blew up in her face. Now they're pissed off.

"The company was never hers. It was part hers in the sense I gave her an opportunity, we created a name and started an endeavor. I put in all the money. I gave her a desk and a computer. The girl likes to sleep until one or two in the afternoon, and every time we got into an argument, the business would stop. She had nothing to lose. I had everything to lose. I had my home to lose, my investment to lose. Everything. The day I met her I owned a home, a car and had money in the bank. I could see where things were going, and I wasn't going to drown for anybody.

"I gave her an opportunity to do something well. She showed me her true colors. She wasn't with me because she loved me. She was with me because she saw money. She'll say what she's going to say, and I can't stop her.

I haven't been in this business long, but I treat everybody with respect. I don't hit on the talent. I take this as a very big responsibility. There's too much money involved, and I want to have a good reputation."

[We returned Foster's phone call but she never called back.]