Kid Vegas on William Morris

The recent story about the alleged William Morris heir prompted Kid Vegas to phone in.

Vegas: "Scott William Morris? He's a complete fraud. I know who he is. He's a tweaker. Actually, I've done speed with him once, a long time ago. He's not part of the William Morris Agency. He's not returning any of my calls. I wanted to ask him why he keeps walking around bullshitting his way so he could get a little pussy from the porno girls. Stacy Valentine? One message for you from Kid Vegas. Learn who's fake and who's not. This guy's a total bullshit artist. That comes straight out of Kid Vegas' mouth. If he's real, make him take you to the agency and show you who's boss there. Make him walk you through the front door."

Vegas said his new feature Kid Vegas: The San Francisco Treat will be out Dec. 6. "Everybody needs to see it," he says. "We're beating seals and escaping from Alcatraz, the psycho ward. Kid Vegas is staying off of drugs for the next movie. I think drugs are going to be out of my movies from now on. Just alcohol and madness."