Kid Vegas - Carrot Top

Kid Vegas is no longer a blond. Actually it's hard to tell what he is, what with the top of his head now resembling a produce counter at Ralph's. Vegas walked into AVN sporting a good-looking woman named Casey on his arm; two fractured ribs, the product of a recent scuffle with Tony Eveready, and orange-colored hair.

G. Ross: "Vegas, what was the original strategy, the game plan that seems to have gone awry, here?"

Vegas: "I was going for red, but I was sitting, contemplating on what color I wanted to do while I was sitting in the park, swimming and hanging out by the waterfall with my friend Casey. [She's leaving the business, she says, after three years as a performer]. Then I went home and decided to dye it. I didn't leave the dye in long enough, so it turned pink. I kind of liked it for a day, then I got fruitcake messages on my voicemail from my friends making fun of it, so I went and dyed it again red the next day. It stayed red, but I thought it was too bright, too awkward for some of the clothes that I planned on wearing for the XRCO awards. Now, I bleached it but ran out of bleach so it didn't quite get the red all the way out. Now it's orange. The weather change is making me change my hair a lot."

G. Ross: "You had a good thing going. What was the reasoning behind this?"

Vegas: "It was looking too natural."

G. Ross: "Is there some kind of deep-rooted inner self-hatred that you're portraying?"

Vegas: "I think it's inner self-hatred that makes me beat myself up."

Speaking of getting beat up, because of his ribs, Vegas says he's taking a break from the action.

G. Ross: "You're living off your investments I take it."

Vegas: "All the stock and everything else. April 3 we got The Lifestyles of the Rich and Kid Vegas coming out. It's got the AVN award on there. I was hoping they'd hold up on the box to see if I win at XRCO. But I don't know."

G. Ross: "You got to be in the running, Kid. It's either you or vomit, one or the other."

Vegas: "A good run for your money."

G. Ross: "Which could be the title of your next feature, about diarrhea...that's the next frontier. That's where all this is heading for."