An amusing interlude at CES came when Jeff Steward at Legend cornered Jim Enright and grilled Enright why Kid Vegas, subsequent winner of the Adult Video Nudes Award, wasn't being tapped to present an award at the AVN show. "We felt this year that we'd like to pick two to three people per award and lower the amount of awards we were giving out," Enright explained. "And we wanted to honor the people that were the most deserving in the business to present an award without offending everybody else, then changing next year to other presenters without using the same people as we have done over and over again." "That's a good answer," Jeff said. But was he satisfied with it? "No, I disagree," Steward told Enright. "Kid Vegas has so much entertainment value. Who has splashed on to the scene like Kid Vegas? He deserved to present an award. He would have made this award show. Everyone would have remembered Kid Vegas being a presenter."
"Yes, and everybody that is of any maturity in this business would have kicked my ass for putting him on stage," Enright replied.
"I think that there should have been a Johnny Toxic/Kid Vegas presentation," Jeff said. "With the way the industry's going, maybe Johnny Toxic and Kid Vegas should have their own award show."