Kid Jamaica

Kid Vegas reports that there's a new kid in town, Kid Jamaica. "I heard that he's a Rastafarian, and I don't like Rastafarian's implicating the Kid Vegas name," said Vegas.

G.Ross: "This sounds very serious."

Kid Vegas: "It's pretty serious. He's invading the Kid's territory."

G. Ross: "I think this is a case of gimmick infringement. I'd look into that."

Kid Vegas: "Yeah..there's only one Kid in this town. I heard this Kid Jamaica comes from Louisiana and makes voodoo dolls. He lived by a graveyard."

G. Ross: "Sounds like somebody you don't want to fuck with."

Kid Vegas: "I don't mind because Kid Vegas has his own voodoo."

G. Ross: "Is your voodoo better than what he do?"

Kid Vegas: "Mine's better, I use more drugs...but he smokes too much stuff I hear."

G. Ross: "God forbid because we all know how clean and sober you are."

Kid Vegas: "I'm somewhat sober....every hear of the devil wheel? It's a voodoo-thing Kid Jamaica made up from what I heard. What's this thing with Kendra and Bo? They work things out? This is a good promotion for her. I haven't talked to her in awhile. I thought she was in love with me again..I heard Kid Jamaica was hanging out with her. I gotta meet this Kid Jamaica, but he's got to change his name."