Kernes Goes to Las Vegas

Kernes Goes to Las Vegas

Fear and Loathing's poster boy, AVN's Mark Kernes, offers this first-hand report from the Gentlemen's Club Expo in Las Vegas.

Kernes: "They've got somewhere in the area of 75 exhibitors. The only video companies there are VCA and Vivid. Vivid is manned by Peter Reynolds, VCA by Marty Turkel. Several of Vivid's stars, like Dyanna Lauren, are in various other places like the Lee Network booth. VCA has stars like Vicca, Nikita and Juli Ashton holding down the booth.

"They had the Exotic Dancer Awards last night which were hosted by Paulie Shore. But the big thing is these really good legal panels. I'll report more on them in-depth. They have like 14 attorneys all of whom are involved in the field of defending clubs or defending First Amendment cases.

"It's a pretty classy show. It's being held at Caesar's Palace. It's a real trade show, so you don't have your band of Looky Lou's. That will come Friday morning when they have a whole Fan Fair. I suppose a lot of the dancers will be there for that. A lot of the people I spoke to, will not.

"Nonetheless, there have been a lot of cute babes out there; a lot of unique, busted babes in nice costumes. The major dance agencies are represented, those being Continental and the Lee Network. There's also something called Pure Talent which has a big table and seems to have a lot of people, but I've never heard of them. There's a lot of exhibitors who are offering all sorts of ancillary services that bar owners and club owners might need, like people who install ATM machines, people who make drink mixers - lots of drink mixers there with free samples, one might add; people who do costumes for dancers. A few clubs themselves have little booths to advertise. Club Paradise, a local Vegas club, has sort of taken the entire back of the convention hall with its own little disco. They have girls on stage dancing, no stripping. The security around here is very touchy about how much skin is shown.

"But they have a whole club decor in there with these hollow palm trees that have little bubbles going up through them and a light show. Of course they have people who make those light shows, exhibiting there. This morning Free Speech is going to be sponsoring a brunch for club owners to get them to join. Kat Sunlove is in charge and board members Jane Hamilton and Mark Kernes are there.

"The person who's doing a knock out job at the Free Speech booth is Anita Cannibal. She has turned out to be a fantastic representive in getting people interested in Free Speech. Of course her bikini didn't hurt. She's really well spoken and has gotten a lot of donations. They tell me she's ahead of anything Bill Margold has done in a similar function."

G. Ross: "Margold doesn't look nearly as good in a bikini."

Kernes: "That was my comment, too. Also helping her [Cannibal] are Teddy Barret and Selina del Rey. Mike Ross has his booth there, the club owners association. It's a little hard to estimate attendance. The legal panels had a minimum of 200 people in the audience. There were two of them. The first was was billed as an update on legal issues, but they got into some meat of ongoing problems such as should dancers be considered as employees or independent contractors and how you make sure that you don't get screwed up if you decide to go one way, and, suddenly you get sued because they think you're the other way.

"There was also advice on how to find a place to start a club. A lot of the legal stuff applied to both dance clubs and adult bookstores because they do have a lot of the same problems - how to do public relations with the community, that kind of thing. They talked about some of the recent First Amendment cases like Larry Flynt in Cincinnati and stuff like that.

"Yesterday afternoon they had a lawyers' roundtable where they got 7 or 8 of the lawyers and the club owners could interact with the attorneys one-on-one and discuss problems and get general advice. That was very interesting. I spoke to J. Michael Murray who, aside from representing several dance clubs, also represents GVA and Connections Magazine in Cleveland. He was telling me that the Connections/Swingers case is not over yet. They just lost their preliminary injunction which means they now have to collect IDs from the swingers who advertise in Connections Magazine.

"A trial is going to happen. They're having preliminary discussions about it, I think, starting in November. I'll have to check that. That's kind of the basics here.

Paul Fishbein Goes on Stern

A complete report will appear on this afternoon's posting, but AVN publisher Paul Fishbein was on Howard Stern this morning talking about Stern's Special Achievement Award which AVN is giving Stern to celebrate the New Millennium and honor Stern's fight for Free Speech. Stern may or may not attend. Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets. Stern says he's never been to Vegas. That might prove to be a deciding factor when all is said and done.

Leonard Goes on Upfront

Gloria Leonard notes: "Hey hey, I'll be on CNCB's "Upfront" show tonight basically responding to yesterday's LA Times article on the adult industry. I'm not surprised by the way, that Stern has refused to receive AVN's award - he was initially the Free Speech Coalition's choice for our "Freedom Isn't Free" award this year, which he also passed on. It's rather ironic that so much of his programming depends on people and topics from our world yet when offered an opportunity for acknowledgement, he hypocritically withdraws as if mingling with us outside of his womb-like studio, will somehow damage him. What registers even more egregiously on the hypocrite-ometer is the fact that he accepted a Blockbuster award a few years ago, a chain that flat-out refuses to carry any X-rated material or NC-17 for that matter! He may have changed radio but he'll never really change his intrinsic fear of us, the far more honest contingent of flesh peddlers!"

Bill Margold Goes On Darklady

Darklady writes: Yup. I'm taking over the airwaves again this Friday, September 3, 1999. My guest will be porn pioneer, Bill Margold.

"Bill performed in the early days of porn and knew such legends as the late John Holmes. He discovered Seka and his lost love, Viper. Today he's still active and controversial in the adult entertainment world ... and he loves to talk! Give a listen or call with a question between 5pm - 6pm (Pacific time). Portland/Metro area: 503/235-1010; Long distance: 1-800-636-1011; AM 1010.

"Would you or someone you know make a good guest? E-mail me!" Goes Online

Jennie from Shane Enterprises LLC writes: "Just wanted to let you know the good news! We finally have an official Shane's World web site. I also wanted to let you know that Shane is in this week's Rolling Stone magazine and will also be interviewed for the Long Island Voice's issue about Rock and Porn." seeks to capture new markets for adult industry.

In a departure from adult-oriented web sites that use "pop-ups" and "lock-ins" to lure customers, debuted this week. seeks to position itself as a user-friendly site that not only gives an extensive "behind the scenes" look into the Shane's World, Slumber Party, and Pornological video series, but one that will offer a minimum of three live events to members each month (including exclusive on-the-set action with audio).

"I want to give my fans a kick-ass site," commented company founder Shane. "We are going to change the way that people think about adult web sites, there are no annoying pop-ups or lock-ins, just the stuff that people want: sex, and a lot of it!"

In addition to a merchandise section that will allow users to purchase videos and other adult-related products, will develop content that is targeted toward the wants, needs, and desires of its customers.

"I wanted to develop a web site that brought the feeling of my movies to the internet," Shane continued. "I have always tried to gear my movies to young people, especially women and couples. That's why I've added sections for music, extreme sports, and a special section for women that will make really different. This site is dedicated to all of my fans."

Jennie adds a postscript: "Hey Gene- I almost forgot to mention something that I think you already know, Kevin Korey and Quest Multimedia kick ass!!! We would like to publicly thank him for doing such a great job on He's dedicated the past few months of his life to our site, and it shows. Maybe you should get him to do your site. Just kidding."

Gene sez: "You might be right. Ray Charles wants to go back to piano playing. Just kidding."

Adult Video Shopper Goes Online

Dirty Bob writes: "Dirty Gene: Gary Mancuso, former owner of Video Xcitement, has his new magazine (Adult Video Shopper) now on-line at . September is freebie month and the user name is: pes4 and password is avs19. A mention would be appreciated."

Praise for Sean

Thom Paoli writes: "Dear Mr. Ross, I enjoy reading your column on the internet whenever I have the time. It is about time that this country grows up sexually and can be informed about all aspects of life.

"I appreciated your reporting on the release of Sean Michaels new series at the end of August. It is difficult to know when a new video is going to be released and that is informative. I had the privilege to meet Sean's sister Sandi, who is really breathtakingly beautiful. I later met Sean. Both these people have such a deep, inherent dignity that I came away feeling that if the world has truly good people like this in it, we have a chance for civility. They are indeed decent people. Thank you."

Haze for Lynne

Randy Kaplan writes: "Round and round we go...hopelessly irrelevant Luke Ford has quoted my Lynne Lopatin joking comments on his site, and Lopatin has replied, asking who the hell am I, and how do I presume to know what she does and does not own? Well, Lynne, you pathetic drugged-out fool, you've known me for about seven years, as did your late husband. If you don't remember me, believe me, that's fine with me. As to what I presume, exactly nothing. My implication was that if you buy me something, even if you use your hot little VISA card so there is an indelible record, if you bought it for me, I own it, not you. If you fell for Dave Hardman, and bought the domain names as a gift, tough shit, he owns them.

"And if you bought them for yourself, dreaming in your drug-addled, stalker's excuse for a brain that you had the kind of relationship with Dave that would bring the two of you untold internet riches via, well, there's been a whole load of stories on this site among others, as well as in Clyde DeWitt's and Mark Kernes's columns in AVN, that would tell you that Hardman would have little trouble getting the rights to his domain names back, and without paying you for them, either. As the immortal [Ring] Lardner said, "Yuh could look it up." Please, leave the gun at home, and please wear underwear. It's OK with me if you get a ride with Sasha Gabor, though. The entire civilized world will thank you."

Monsieur Kaplan adds a postscript: "My usual few stray thoughts: Not only is the LA Times off in its estimate of 1600 porn stars, as you said, it's past time we stopped throwing the term porn star around so freely. Every straight actor is not a star; every porn actor (or performer, to be more precise in most cases) is sure as hell no star. And believe me, a boxcover isn't the qualification; sometimes you get the box because you were the only one who didn't flake on the boxcover shoot.

"In the where-there's-smoke-there's-fire department: it's also past time that John Bowen started taping his every waking moment. If half the excuses for all the shit he keeps stepping in are true, his real life would make a great movie; if it's false (oh, no!), there's a shitload of people who could use the evidence against him...

"And a note to my dear friend Paul Fishbein: I never never never would have let you send out an important letter with the phrase "the other media has copied you." Try "have." What happened, did Bryn Pryor proofread it? Randy."

No Justice for Justice?

While we're on the subject of domain names and ownership, the Justice Howard story plays itself out. Howard posted this on the site earlier this week:

"Hello Gene, I'm writing to ask a favor of you, if you would be so kind. I've recently gotten my domain name back and am presently rebuilding my website. I am trying to get rid of all the people who, are "meta tagging" my name on the web. Im sure you know what that is, its when they list your name as being on their site, to pull traffic to their site, but you are nowhere on there at all. It is an illegal, and unethical misapporpriation of your private name. At any rate, there were a few of them, one of them being :

"The chick's name who is webmaster is Cheryl Morey. She, apparently, is an A.D. for Al Borda & Jay Shanihan, neither of whom I have met. And so, I email her asking her nicely to remove my name from her site. She emails me back saying who the hell am I and what business is it of mine? I mail her back and tell her to ask around, that she will find out exactly who I am. Then I send her another email asking her for an expedient and gracious removal of my name. Then comes this reply: FUCK YOU

"This is something so minor I dont want to bother my lawyer MR. DICKMAN (what a name , huh!!!!!) with it. I was wondering if you might be able to be of some assistance in this matter. My emails to her have always been courteous & civil and I dont think I deserved this kind of reply WHEN THEY ARE THE ONES IN THE WRONG in this situation. I'd sure appreciate it if you might be able to help. Let me know. Thanks!

Gene sez: "Actually it's Cheri Morey, and Ms. Morey replied, first, via email: "Hi Gene, This is Cheri, the web master Justice Howard is harassing. I don't know who she is or what she wants. She has emailed me numerous time wanting to know why when she puts her name into ALTA VISTA that my site comes up. Well when I go to ALTA VISTA and type in that old bitches name, my site does not in fact come up at all. Also, inquiring minds want to know, did all the sites that came up under her name get the same numerous harassing emails like I received. Like I said, I don't know who she is or exactly what she wants. In fact I think that I'm actually linked to YOUR site. As a web master yourself, you well know that to take the time to respond to every email is almost impossible. Especially when it's shit like this. So, I am available if you would like to talk about this. Thankx, Cheri SYSOP & Webmaster for: (which is for sale)

Ms. Morey had this to say in a follow-up phone call.

Morey: "Someone directed me to your site, and I saw the little article [Howard's email] there. I don't know who Justice Howard is. If she has a life, why is she bothering with me? I'm just a young girl doing websites. It totally pissed me off that she would take the time to make me popular. [Morey is reread Howard's email and comments about to refresh her memory.]

Morey: " is not my site. I'm I can show you her emails and they're not very nice. Actually, I told her to fuck off. I went through my whole website to see if there was a reference to this woman. I typed Justice Howard into the search engine, and I did not see my site come up at all. I thought this was some crazy old woman and that she would go away. Apparently she has not gone away. I don't know what to say. It's kind of humorous that somebody would have this much time out of their day to do nothing. Her name is not in my meta tag. Her letters back to me have not been gracious or courteous. They were rude and demanding. She's not a very nice lady. I'm a pretty cool person. I emailed her back and said maybe you don't understand how metatags work. I do have a website for webmasters that explains exactly how metatags work and how search engines find websites. She took it as an offense. I don't know. Maybe she's just old. I don't know what her trip is. If you're going to be in the porn industry, you got to be relaxed. Every picture on my website, I was there when it was taken. It couldn't be the pictures on there. Mark Giffey, the photographer, took them. I work with him a lot."

Love Mail From the Halls of Justice

Morey submits the following emails she received from Justice Howard:

Howard: "Have you removed my name yet from your site???? Why is my name directed to your site when I am not even on it??? Consider this a written cease & desist, dated Aug.28th 1999. Thank you>>>JUSTICE HOWARD

"Your best bet would just be to remove this in an expeditent and gracious manner."

-------- Original Message -------- \n Subject: Re: JSUTICE HOWARD \n Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 18:00:11 -0800 \n From: "justice howard" \n To: "Cheri H. Morey" \n

i have now sent your name to my lawer, you can deal with him from now, on a violation of copy right. > > > > > >justice howard

>From: "Cheri H. Morey" \n \n >To: justice howard \n >Subject: Re: JSUTICE HOWARD \n >Date: Sat, Aug 28, 1999, 2:29 PM \n >

> fuck off

-------- Original Message -------- \n Subject: FW: cease & desist \n Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 15:02:31 -0800 \n From: "justice howard" \n To: [email protected]

> Dear Sirs, \n > It has come to my attention that you are illegally publishing pages \n > using the name and likeness of a registered Copyright holder: JUSTICE HOWARD

> Liscensed: May 31st, 1995 \n > REGISTRATION #: VA725-787 \n > and using the trademark name: JUSTICE HOWARD \n > without permission at the following page: \n > ( previously sent) \n > \n > Please cease and desist any and all pages related to images or name of \n > JUSTICE HOWARD to holt any further litigation.REply immdeiately that action has been taken on your part to avoid further confusion & lawsuits. Title 17, U.S.Code being the act of 1909 statute 501. Infringement of copyright TRADMARK INFRINGEMENT, FASLE DESIGNATION OF ORIGIN, UNFAIR COMPETITION & DILUTION ARISING UNDER THE TRADMARK ACT OF 1946 AS AMENDED, 15 U.S.C. SS 1051-1127 LISTED IN THE US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICES:

owner name: JUSTICE HOWARD \n owner address: PO BOX 3896 \n HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. 90078


Howard Stern Gives On-Air Reply to Paul Fishbein's AVN Awards Invitation

AVN Publisher Paul Fishbein sent the following letter to Howard Stern informing Stern that he had been selected to receive AVN's Special Achievement Award. Stern replied to the letter on his Wednesday show.

Fishbein writes: "Dear Howard- I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to receive AVN's Special Achievement Award, our highest honor, at the 2000 AVN Awards Show. The ceremony will take place on January 8, 2000, at the new Venetian Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, during our annual awards event.

"The Special Achievement Award is very unique and has been given to different individuals every year. People who have fought to defend the First Amendment, and went to trial on federal obscenity charges have been honored. The last two years, Larry Flynt and Al Goldstein have been honored as publishing pioneers who took hundreds of arrests in the name of free speech.

"Even though in the past we have concentrated mostly on people within the video movement, you have made a singular and important contribution to the adult industry. From the time that I did the "Adult Movie Review" in the mid-1980's on your show, through the present, you have treated the adult industry and its performers with dignity and respect, while helping raise the level of acceptability of pornography in America.

"When we started doing "Adult Movie Review" in the mid-80's, the Reagan administration was beginning its severe federal assault on adult materials, and during the heat of the Meese Commission witch-hunt, you continued to promote adult video in the same manner as you would regular Hollywood movies.

"The consumer's acceptability of pornography as mainstream entertainment and the media's zeal to cover adult, is in no small way attributable to yourself and the power of your radio and television shows. As usual, the other media has copied you.

"And, of course, your constant battles with the FCC over content and your commitment to personal choice completely parallels the battles that adult filmmakers have been defending for years.

"The AVN Awards Show, despite media coverage in recent years, is an industry-only trade event, not open to the public. However, we do expect 3,000 attendees from around the world to our year 2000 event. The entire show will take two hours, with a lavish cocktail party and post-show gala sandwiching the event.

"Should you choose to attend, we will provide two first class round-trip tickets to Las Vegas, a private limousine for the entire length of your stay, a large suite at the Venetian Hotel, full-time personal security (if you feel it's necessary) and a table by the stage for any of your guests who would like to attend.

"It is my sincere honor to give you the first AVN Special Achievement Award of the new century.

"Sincerely yours, Paul Fishbein Publisher, cc: Gary Dell-Abate"

Here is Stern's reply: "When I look at my accomplishments, I don't say I invented a cure for cancer, but I think I changed the face of radio. I really do. I think I changed the face of television. I think I'm the reason you see the word penis on Friends. I'm proud of that. I think radio now is a whole different medium. You see whole radio station's imitating me. I've never seen anything like that. Here in New York alone I got two clones. My own company puts clones on. They don't know what to do with the radio stations so they clone more of me to make me mental. I do a bit, they do the same bit. And they're all over the world. Los Angeles - Mark and Brian. You might as well call it Howard and Robin. What's the difference? They're just worse at it than we are. I feel I've changed some things and made some things happen. I'll never get any credit for it. So I get the following letter in the mail. [Stern goes on to read the beginning of Fishbein's letter.]

Stern goes on to comment.

Stern: "I'm saying AVN, finally AVN. It's Adult Video News. It's a porno convention.."

Robin: "It's that Paul whats-his-name."

Stern: "Paul Fishbein, yeah."

Robin: "It's that kid who had a little paperback magazine he put out."

Stern: "These are the people who give an award for best anal sex scene."

Robin: "Right, right. Yeah, penetration."

Stern: "I'm getting a special achievement award, but it's for Adult Video News."

Robin: "It's the one you don't even want to go pick up."

Stern reads more of the letter

Robin: "That award show is like an orgy."

Stern continues to read the letter's comments about Al Goldstein and Larry Flynt, Quivers makes an indistinguishable remark.

Stern: It goes on to talk about how in the 80's the Reagan Administration did a witch hunt, ba, ba, pornography, battles with the FCC and me. 'We expect 3,000 attendees.' People who specialize in anal sex."

Robin: "And gangbangs.."

Stern: "It'll be like...ladies and gentlemen welcome to the AVN awards. In a minute we'll be giving out an award for best adult gangbang...nominees are Houston, Jada, whatever the hell her name was...Jasmine, and that black chick...Spontaneous Combustion. But first we'd like to give an honorary award to Howard Stern."

Robin: "Not exactly Irving Thalberg."

Stern: "To present the award is the girl who banged 500 guys in an hour. Ladies and gentlemen, Houston...wearing a luck. [Reads more of the letter] 'Should you choose to attend,' listen to this, 'we will provide two first class round-trip tickets to Las Vegas.' Oh, just two?' "

Robin: "You don't get to bring an entourage?"

Stern: 'A private limousine for the entire length of your stay. A large suite at the Venetian hotel. Full time personal security if you feel it's necessary...a table by the stage for any of your guests who would like to attend..' So I get my own table, and two tickets and a free appearance from me. And there it is. 'Paul Fishbein, Publisher.' Can't remember Paul."

Robin: "Paul was like this kid."

Stern: "Paul is a kid."

Robin: "He still looks like a kid, but he was a kid who started writing reviews of porn films.."

Stern: "..on the back of garbage bags....right."

Robin: "Now he's honoring you."

Stern: "Yeah...the American dream...he's done it. So that's my big award."

Robin: "At least you're being recognized."

Stern: "Paul, thank you."

Robin: "But you don't think you'll be picking up your award in person?"

Stern: "No. No, I don't. I'd like to go to Vegas. That would be fun. Do I have to go to the awards? Can I just take the trip to Vegas? Pull a Dennis Rodman, just not show up. You know what I mean? Couldn't find my sneakers. Well, there it is."

Robin: "Well, congratulations."

Stern: "Thank you, thank you very much. I'm really psyched."

Stern and Quivers laughing

Stern: "How mom, dad, I'm receiving a lifetime achievement award. They'd be thrilled."

Shadow Lounge to Host Player's Ball in Miami

"Kevin" writes: "Good Afternoon Gene, D-Money AKA Darren Blatt and I just got back from South Beach Miami, home of the IA2000, and more importantly THE PLAYERS BALL!

"There is one major update to make all of you aware of. The Player's Ball has moved locations from Amnesia to the most exclusive lounge in South Beach, The Shadow Lounge. Amnesia is now under new ownership, and some woman named Gloria Estefan wanted the club that night for a private party. This was a blessing in disguise. It would later turn out that all of the posh clubs in South Beach are also booked, that is except for the Shadow Lounge. You see Puff Daddy, and a myriad of entertainment industry people will also be in Miami at the same time as us, and wanted the Shadow. Puff Daddy had a deposit on the venue for an unbelievable price, CBS never plunked down any change, and Andy Garcia hasn't made a good movie in years! I must say D-Money and I drove a hard bargain and in the prevailed.

"We are happy to announce that The Shadow Lounge will be the official site of the Player's Ball in Miami. The venue is located on Washington Street across from Club Madonna, the best Gentlemen's Club in Miami. And if Puff Daddy wants to go, he must be dressed as a Pimp of a "Ho". This venue is smaller than Amnesia, consequently the VIP area will be much more exclusive than planned. Now is a good time for all to start sucking up to the sponsors (hint). The sponsors include: Sextracker,, YNOT Network, SIC Cash, Gammacash, Epoch Systems, Pornholio,and Netpond. The party will be broadcast live from Miami courtesy of IE Media. The musical line-up is Ice T, Digital Underground, and legendary reggae performer EEK-A-MOUSE in a special appearance. This party is invite only!

"This will be last time time to catch a party of this magnitude this century!! There will some huge Player's in the crowd including people from the porn world, music business, and movie stars. Bring your camera, you will not want to miss a thing. I can't wait to see everyone in the bathroom- ( hint, hint) and remember- " Pimpin' and Ho"in is the best thing goin'"!

Colin throws party for Sleazy Friends video release

TOD HUNTER WRITES: "To celebrate the release of the home video The Best of Colin's Sleazy Friends, Colin Malone held a party [Tuesday night] at The Garage here. A news crew from Fox channel 11 video-recorded nude dancers on stage while Malone and his on-air partner Dino welcomed well-wishers and fans.

"Among the partygoers were Sana Fey, David Christopher, Sonja Redd, Max Hardcore, Zoƫ, Kendra Kade, producer Shylocke, Zane publicist Adella O'Neal, Metro publicist Susan Yannetti, Son Doobie, Shanna McCullough, Brandon Irons, Bridgett Kerkove, producer Rob Spallone, director Jim DiGiorgio, and, representing the mainstream side, E! Channel's Robert Bentley, Paul Heet and Alan Wu.

"Malone was glad-handing and interviewing partygoers for future shows through the night, and was interviewed himself by several media outlets, including an Internet information service."

Thoughts On Colin Malone; TCI Confirms Malone's Suspension

Susan Yannetti writes: "Thanks for the mention on your site. I gotta tell you though, Colin called me this afternoon [Tuesday] about an hour ago and told me his "reinstatement" has been revoked by TCI, this time in the form of a letter from Larry Jones.

"I talked to Colin on the phone, but I did not see the letter myself. I'm not sure what to make of this latest drama, but it sure is interesting. All because of a band called the Kottonmouth Kings.... now who would ever suspect them to be pot somkers?"

Gene sez: "Kurt Taylor, general manager of TCI confirms that Malone has been suspended for six months from using the TCI facilities. "He violated the policy he signed regarding access guidelines," said Taylor. "We're banning him from using the production facilities or airing any tapes for a period of six months."

Thoughts on Sasha Gabor

Gloria Leonard writes: "Nine DUIs, three of which happened on ONE day!!?! As much as I like Sasha, and I do, despite the interpretation of my earlier remarks on your site, I'm sorry but I've got to agree with Mike Albo on this one! When you've got a drinking problem, driving a car is the equivalent of aiming a gun at unsuspecting people and often, just as deadly. He should consider himself one lucky mother-fucker in that he didn't actually cause harm to another person. I'm sorry that Sasha's in the can but I'm equally happy that he's no longer behind the wheel. Sasha, you need some professional help and suggest you call Bill Margold at PAW (Protecting Adult Welfare) (818) 501-6139 and he'll point you in the proper direction - we just can't let you drive there! Think of your time as a "Rest Stop."

Gary S. writes: "Give me a break! While I feel for Sasha and his addiction to alcohol, we all have choices in this life. Just because we drink, it doesn't mean we have to drive.

"Someone who has 8 or 9 DUI's in 2 states is, obviously, not learning a lesson. He is a danger to me, my family, my friends, and other people. I live in the West Valley. I frequently travel Topanga Canyon, Topanga Canyon Blvd., Ventura Blvd. and the Ventura Freeway. Thank God I've never run into this nut! (or he's never run into me)."

Thoughts on Max Hardcore, Dexter, Lynne Lopatin and Mia Domore; Domore Responds

Kid Vegas, the philosopher of our times, called to comment on a number of significantly topical issues.

Vegas: "I'm not taking any drugs todays. I'm kind of straightening out my act. I didn't do any drugs at Colin's party either. He had a great party over there. I appreciate him inviting me. They had Fox 11 News. I wanted to make some comments regarding what Angela D'Angelo said about Mia, or Grace, whatever name she goes under."

Vegas: "That girl Grace is a complete and total drug addict. She's white trash from Tujunga who previously and still does work i