Keri Windsor race for the gold

Regarding the Keri Windsor race for the gold, Adella O'Neal from Zane Entertainment Group posts the following posting: "Dear Gene: Here is an account of an incident that occurred, as told by 'a race fan'. This posting was lifted off the official web-site, --- from the bulletin board section.

In Reply to: Adult Sponsor -- Zane Entertainment Group & Keri Windsor posted by Adella O'Neal on May 18, 1999 at 17:45:20: 'Hats, stickers and T-shirts? hmm. BTW the bimmer had a small incident where a reverse light switch locked out all forward gears that temporarily hindered the car at MIS. Ed promptly called his transmission guy [luckily he was at work] and was told over the phone how to fix the tranny. Keri filmed the repair but unfortunately one of the jacks or both that he was using collapsed and the car fell on him. Luckily some of Keri's admirers happened to be walking by and very quickly unloaded the suspension and lifted the car off of his chest and a few seconds later with help from a few other gentleman had the car 3 feet in the air.

"Ed crawled out from underneath completely unharmed. He went on to execute a very impressive 2 laps around the course drifting the car beautifully through a couple of turns and even kicked up some dirt as one tire went off course but amazingly his speed was increasing and managed to pass the car in front of him once they reached the banked oval section. He almost passed the next car as well but they reached the finish line before he could complete the pass. I helped lift the car off of him and all I got was a sticker. Hmm... methinks I should've gone for a t-shirt. I will bring a good set of jackstands to Waterford Hills in case he wants to crawl under that little beast again.

-A race fan.

Mark Webb adds: "Well.....Denver, College Station, Texas, ...tomorrow, Memphis Tennesee....a 4:30am phone call this morning from a VERY sunburned wife...let's see....a mile closer to the sun ? Should I need sunblock in Denver ?... I think so....anyway, she is still having a great time, they are not in the top ten per the standings, but are certainly one of the more popular teams. She says "Hi" to everyone. Since the driving hours are so long from city to city, Keri has decided to catch up on her sleep when she gets home. She figures sleeping through June should just about do it....." \n- Mark