Kendra Jade and Shelle Pearson

Kendra Jade and Shelle Pearson, who are fast becoming the Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid of the porno business, give the real poop about dogs, animal shelters, cats, fiances and apartment evictions on tomorrow morning's posting.

Kid Vegas says he's starting up his own company, Kid Vegas Video and will announce the opening of his studio and location Friday. Vegas appears tonight on Colin's Sleazy friends along with Nina Whett, Madison and Nancy Vee.

Vegas: "I was on some heavy drugs yesterday and was taking acid. I did a punk rock karaoke last night at the Dragonfly. They had a bunch of big band members there. We went crazy spraying everybody with beer. I'll try to tear Colin's Sleazy Friends apart tonight. Hopefully it'll turn into a riot and wreck the whole set. I got my own studio now in North Hollywood. I'll reveal the location Friday. I'm trying to find girls to take with me to the show tonight. Allison Kilgore keeps paging me.

G. Ross: "She keeps emailing me telling me that you're full of shit, that she's not your girlfriend."

Vegas: "I'm still spanking her. Her ex boyfriend somehow got a hold of her phone and forwarded all her calls to his cell phone. So when I called her yesterday I reached her ex boyfriend's voicemail. Then she's trying to explain to me that he got hold of her phone. He's a liar. He's fucking emailing AVN this and that. Are you getting email from her too? That's not her. That's him using her name."

G.Ross: "I'm being set up?"

Vegas: "He's writing bullshit stuff. I'm going to send you the police department property report. The cops want me to press charges. It explains what was missing out of my stuff. I don't know if I'm going to use Legend much more as my distributor or not. They're not moving too fast on getting my videos done. Kid Vegas Video should be good. Kid Sparkle? He's a fuckin' liar. He lies too much. He talks about me doing drugs? I'm looking for some new girls for my movies. They can reach me through Notorious and my email, [email protected]. Everybody send me some hate mail or good mail.

Xplor Media's Stefanie Histed writes: "I have two things to tell you- first, we got nice product placement in the new Matthew Broderick movie, "Election". There's a scene where Matthew's character opens his porn stash and all the boxes are ours. You see them real clearly, too. So that was nice! Also, we are having the Sex, for Life Too release party this Saturday (June 19) at Club Southern Comfort in Burbank. If you or any of your pals would like to come, please RSVP me at 619-541-0280 ext. 308. Thanks, and I hope to see you there!"

Andrew Drake and Sinthetic Video are seeking 4 HOT asian females to star in their upcoming "Asian Sex Superstars 2".

Drake: "What we need are four very hot asian girls who are willing to do it all. I have been looking for the right girls for sometime, Mr South if you have some available please get in touch with me." Andrew Drake 949 252 1010 ext 235

Marylin Star's in town today to make her contract status with Metro official. Star will be doing a 2,000 man gangbang to celebrate the New Millennium.

Then, of course, Candy Apples, might have other ideas about that number of people. Apples who was at Erotica LA says she's going to be taking on all comers, men and women and doing "The World's Largest" gangbang for Heatwave Entertainment.

Apples: "I will do as many people that show up. We're talking about September. We've discussed money and it's all set. If Marylin Star can do 2,000, I can do 3,000."

G. Ross: You may have to do three to nullify her two.

Apples: "That's okay. The more the merrier. I think women should be allowed to participate."

Serenity got her ass molded yesterday for a new Serenity ass-toy that will be coming out on the market. She talked a little bit about this last Friday night at Erotica LA.

Serenity: "I started a toy company, Las Vegas Novelties, and I'm very excited about it. It's going to give me the opportunity to develop some different products, new and innovative ways of having and enjoying sex. We should be started up with full prototypes by the AVN Summer Expo. We're going to start off with a signature line of myself, my dildos, my ass, my pussy."

G.Ross: "What about your ass? Is there going to be a little bit of backbone, or is it going to be just an ass..or is there going to be a front and back..these are important issues."

Serenity: "My ass is not so symetrical, I kind of push off to the back, puppy style."

G. Ross: "Can I turn you over, or can I..."

Serenity: "I think I have so much bubble, I'm not sure. We're doing the mold with this realistic type of skin that we've developed. It's slightly different that the ones that are out on the market right now. I think it's a superior product. I decided not to go into directing, but to start my own company.

Steve Austin, the porn actor, not the wrestler, is ready to give the Stone Cold Stunner to Zasu Knight. Austin is mad that Knight's, allegedly, able to hide under the cloak of anonymity as a woman named "Annie" and dispense information about him and Jim South on another website. Austin says he's "1000% sure" that Annie is Knight. Austin, the porn actor, is also a wrestling fan by the way, and was good friends with the late wrestler Owen Hart.

Austin: "Luke Ford wrote an article about this girl Annie. This girl Annie is Zasu Knight. I did a rebuttal against it. The thing that I'm having trouble with, though, is that Annie felt free to say whatever she wanted to say about myself, World Modeling, Jim South, whatever the case may be and named us by name. I rebutted against that where I normally don't give interviews. Jim and I are not dealing with each other right now, but I'm not going to lie about the man. I told Luke Ford exactly what the truth was, the situation with Zasu Knight. The trouble I have here is that Knight's name is not being given. I don't think that's right. She has the power to use our name but she's still hiding behind the name Annie. If she's going to talk smack, she needs to identify herself. Anybody can print whatever they want to print about me, the bottom line is, when I worked over at World, I wasn't allowed to react or dispute what was written or what was said. Now I've got the opportunity to do that.

"This poor excuse of a model, Zasu Knight, who wasn't getting work because of her looks, who now is bashing everyone in the industry, maybe should take care of herself and worry about her appearance. Pretty much what she said is that I'm a womanizer and the only way you can get work is suck his dick. She said I took her on a Cash Markman shoot that I was acting in [Swinging in the Rain] and pretty much the fact that I took her into a bathroom and raped her. Nothing is further from the truth. She needed work real badly. No directors were hiring her. I felt bad for the situation.

It's pretty sad that somebody with a lack of appearance and a lack of etiquette is able to just throw words around like it doesn't mean anything. When I was working at World, the bottom line is that World Modeling can only do so much for somebody. If they don't have anything to work with, they're not magicians. World Modeling would send all talent, all races, creeds, color, shapes, it doesn't matter, to all the people World Modeling was dealing with. If a director doesn't want to hire them, we can't force them to be hired. This is one of Zasu Knight's problems. She always wanted to blame the other person, not herself.

"Before I even knew her feelings on this entire thing, I didn't even know there was a problem. Matter of fact, I called her when I started shooting two lines for K Beech Video. One is a blowjob line, the other is a girl/girl line. She had got her boobs done and I think she got a face lift or something like that. She does look different now. I think she got her eyes fixed also. But I'm not sure. I spoke with her maybe six or seven months ago. I said if you're still interested in working...she kind of gave me the cold shoulder. She went to the point of telling me her prices which were reasonable. I just kind of felt awkward and I don't know why. That's the last time I verbally spoke with her. I haven't seen her.

"All of a sudden I read this thing by Annie and I go, motherfucker, what is this all about? I didn't have to invite her on the Cash Markman set. The only reason I invited her on there was because we could have thrown her in there as an extra. She was one of the "fan" girls. I honestly have no idea why she's coming after me. My own personal feeling is this. She got all this work done to herself and she looks okay now. She wants to bash the industry because she wasn't getting work, or bash the people indirectly responsible for not getting her work. Girls get boobs and it also enhances not only their breasts but their attitude. She was probably getting compliments recently and started thinking I should be working. Now I'm guessing at this. But she's probably thinking, I am pretty. I should be working and fuck those guys who didn't get me work. Now I'm just guessing at that.

"I was pretty good at what I did at World Modeling. I'm not seeing eye-to-eye with Jim right now, but if you ask him who was the best booker he had, it was me. I was responsible for getting a lot of people work, unfortunately, the only thing a lot of them remember is times when they were off work.

G. Ross: "Frankly, over the years, I've heard different stories about you...calling girls at all hours of the night, getting them to have sex with you in exchange for jobs."

Austin: "Aside from that not being true, let me put it this way. If I did that, I would have been let go by World Modeling years ago. If I did something like that, don't you think it would have gone so public by now? Am I really that good where I was able to protect it for the last 12 years? All it would take was for one girl to file for sexual harassment. I'm not a Regan Senter. That's not my style. I'm also an actor in this business. I've been an actor for 12 years, why would I jeopardize all that?

"Besides the two lines I'm doing for K Beech, I'm also working for Cash Markman, being his #1 production manager, and full-time acting. I'm doing a lot more stuff than when I was working at World. We just got done doing a takeoff on Dragnet, Pleasantville and Leave It to Beaver, all in the same movie. It's called Pleasureville that K Beech is going to be putting out. Cash thinks I got Best Actor lined up if there's any love for me at AVN whatsoever. I care about doing a good job. I consider myself a decent actor and put time into it. I would love to have something to show for it, though. Hopefully people will just enjoy my work."

Hardcore Championship Fucking: Have They Gone Too Far?

Not that it had anything to do with wrestling, professional, or otherwise. But, since Zoe happens to have the lead role in a wrestling/sex feature called Hardcore Championship Fucking, it seemed like a good idea to bring the subject up. A casual remark was made - about how Zoe'd been airbrushed into looking Chinese for the boxcover ofWindsong, a Simon Poe vid.

"She is Chinese," John Bone said, not realizing at the time that his production Windsong would be in the middle of its own wrestling match about a month later. [Detailed on the website this past March]

"Get out..."

"No, she IS Chinese," Bone insisted. "Ask her."

When questioned Zoe began reciting a family lineage that sounded a little more Okinawan than Chinese. But, whatthefuck...Maybe it all comes from those massive doses of shrimp fried rice which Bone orders for lunch when Cream does a shoot. "I was the only one in family portraits with blond hair," Zoe comments. "I stuck out." The subtle inference here is that hers is not a dye job.

And it wouldn't be a snow job, either, to say that Hardcore Championship Fucking gets about as extreme as the marriage of sex, violence and wrestling can possibly get. At least at this evolutionary stage of the game in the adult industry. Similar wrestling features like The Young and the Wrestling and Nude World Order, have flirted with the notion of integrating the three elements, but none have apparently taken it from the top rope as this ground-breaking vid is going to do. It's directed by a guy who bills himself on the marquee as "Sleazy Slam" or just plain Slammy.

"Slammy," as he likes to be called, has had a variety of journeyman's occupations in the adult business. He's composed music for Greg Dark's New Wave Hookers 2, has been Matt Zane's production assistant; and, recently, produced a bondage feature called Tails From the Whip which, according to him as a Three Stooges element to it.

Slammy's also what's known in the pro wrestling trade as a "mark" - a fan to-the-tenth-power who can pretty much tell you what a wrestler eats for breakfast and shits for lunch. Slammy also reminds you of an actor who'd play the snitch in a Tarantino movie. He slicks his hair back, dates porn stars [he and Laura Palmer are an item] wears a lot of black, is jittery and tends to look over his shoulder a lot as if the cops are coming to bust up the crap game. A promoter of backyard wrestling matches as a kid, Slammy practically grew up in New York's Madison Square Garden. At the age of 5, Slammy got hooked on the sport mostly because of the legendary Andre the Giant, though wrestler Mil Mascaras has been his personal favorite.

Now Slammy's doing porno movies with the wrestling element. And a lot of the stuff you'll see on the screen is real. Ask Dave Hardman who got his nose busted during the Hardcore Championship Fucking shoot which was done at the Cream studios. The follow-up will be shot in a location that will afford more ceiling space. Slammy co-wrote, directed, appears in and edited the feature. He's invested almost six months in the project.

Slammy: "I knew I was on to something when Jonathon Morgan came in, talk a look at the movie and said, 'You can't do that, man.' I knew once Jonathan was appalled, it was going to be good. I don't know what to make of it yet. I gotta let it get out there. It's porn, but it's wrestling. It doesn't have porno music through the sex. I don't know how they'll react to that. Do people really need music."

[Crowd roars are kept in throughout the vid.]

Slammy: I wanted to keep it kayfabe, keep it always in character. That way you know you're watching a wrestling thing. Kids fantasize about wrestling being like porn with Sable, I wanted to make sure I gave them a real wrestling product. There's so much behind-the-scenes-stuff. This is like a pay-per-view event, it goes boom-ba-boom-ba-boom. It's chronological. It's a two-hour event. If you didn't have the sex, you'd have a real wrestling movie"

Like "real" wrestling, Hardcore Championship Fucking details a series of double crosses and actually features real wrestlers from south-of-the-border.

Bone: "These guys are real luchadors. They come in and wrestle luchador-style, fast and hard. This is not a couple of weenie porno guys pretending to push each other around the ring. The first thing that Slammy brought to me, was that he could bring in professional wrestlers who would wrestle. From that point I was sold. We've taken a lot out of the WWF's bag of tricks. There are a lot of characters created which should be ongoing. There are three or four storylines. It's just like watching the WWF. The second feature is continuing various storylines. I'm really happy because I get to play the bad guy who double crosses everybody. There's a lot of wrestling and violence in it. It's never area for us to explore. It's a very risky project. We've taken a lot of chances. This is a movie that was spawned by a T-shirt. Slammy came to see me months ago to talk about doing some work for the company. He was wearing a wrestling T-shirt. I asked him if he liked wrestling. He started telling me about all the contacts he had. That gave me the idea about doing this. From the very beginning he was always afraid that he was going to go too far because he's had it beaten into him since he got into the business that this is porn, you don't do anything good, you don't take chances, and you don't do anything that will offend people. I told him from the word go that you just forget all of that bullshit and make the best movie you can being true to what you feel about wrestling. Even now he's very nervous that he's gone too far and he's done too much, that it's too much of a departure."

G. Ross: "What do you mean gone too far?"

Bone: "You need to watch the scene between Van Damage and Zoe. We pushed the envelope in pornography."

Wrestling fans will readily appreciate this one. If they recall the hardcore-bent championship match between The Rock and Mankind that was aired on Superbowl Sunday, they'll definitely get the gist of this extreme scene which has Zoe taking Van Damage indoors and out, slamming him up against walls, screens, busting him over the head with trash and what have you.

Slammy: "It's a very innovative scene. I don't think it's ever been done before."

Bone: "Have we rocked the boat and how much? How many people are we going to offend with this movie? How many people are going to be terrified that one more time we're all going to go to jail. The wrestling community has been very aware of this movie and they've been waiting for it. It's constantly referred to in the wrestling chatrooms and on the websites. Some of the major wrestlers in America are either friends with Slammy, or they talk to him or know him. Some of the household names want copies sent to them. There's a bit of a one-upsmanship now in the community as to who we've parodied and who we haven't. It's a very cutting edge project. We've already started shooting the second. It's a labor of love to Slammy. This is his baby. All I did was prod him to go further and take risks.

G.Ross: "I just want to be sure that I'm not seen on the masters writing, directing or holding a camera."

Slammy: "John's given me a chance to strut my stuff. I'll thank him for a million years. I tried pitching it to other companies, and you got these guys sitting behind a desk going, 'Oh, that shit's fake.' What are these people, under rocks? Wrestling's real popular. Wrestling and pornography go hand-in-hand."


Christy Lake is scheduled for a return engagement on the Howard Stern Show June 24th.

Serenity got her ass immortalized yesterday for a new sex toy. More on that in today's update.

Story going around is that an LAPD task force is harassing adult shoots, permits or not. Reports of three to four shoots being busted in the last month have surfaced. We've already detailed David Christopher's exploits. Have you had similar experiences? If so write [email protected].

John T. Bone's new wrestling release Hardcore Championship Fucking more than lives up to its title, featuring a sex scene between Zoe and Van Damage that will cause some major, major controversy. More on that story in today's update in several hours.

"If anyone deserves a Best Acting award this year, it's Van," says director Slammy who's busy working on the sequel

Randy Kaplan writes: "Let me be the first to nominate officially as your replacement when you go on vacations the one and only Quasarman. He cracks me up. As for Decadent D's concerns that what Anastasia Romanoff might have said in Russian might lose him some foreign sales, hey Dec, I think you can write off the Serb and Kosovo markets anyway. Also, Russian nationalists and royalists will likely be a tad more offended by her nom de porn than anything she says..."

Sean Michaels went to the Stiletto party Saturday night, co-sponsored by Fetish and Taboo Magazines and Fit To Be Tied, in Redondo Beach and came back a confirmed fetishist. Michaels is aching to start up a spanking/bondage line.

Michaels: "Things are picking up with Sean Michaels Productions as far as sales are concerned. We just landed two big clients [Goalie and New Beginnings ]. That means a lot to us. I've been told the We Go Deep box is one of the best seen in years. That's my all-themed video. We're getting more positive feedback on the boxes because we're following what the consumers have been asking for. We've been seeing a lot more re-orders than we anticipated. We've been in business 90 days, and we're excited about the future. Hopefully we'll use the summer months to do some locations, hopefully Costa Rico, maybe Mexico."

Michaels is also gearing up to do his first feature for Sean Michaels Productions.

Michaels: "It depends on revenues. I want to do a good job on it, being my first feature. It needs to be something special. The tentative tiles is Cleo.

G. Ross: "A tribute to a former AVN employee, no doubt."

Michaels [laughing]: " No, it's my little interpretation of Cleopatra. Knowing what I know about her maidens, the women who took care of her, it's their story as they saw Cleopatra and the sexual encounters they had. I've always had a fascination with the Cleopatra story, that era."

G. Ross: "Building those pyramids is going to wreck havoc with a porn budget."

Michaels: "Yeah, it's been like what are we gonna do there, pal. That's why I said there's got to be nice dollars dropped on it. It will be a location shoot."

G. Ross: "Shot in Costa Rico, of course."

Michaels: "I wish. I'm thinking somewhere here in the desert. Someplace where we can have sex randomly. We're looking to shoot that somewhere near the end of August. I'd like to shoot on 16mm if I can. That costs a pretty penny. But I want it done right. I'm also working on a mini-feature-type series which I call my Sean Bond series which takes place on a tropical island, tuxedo, beautiful women.."

G. Ross: "Austin Michaels.."

Michaels [chuckles]: " intrigue, whatever; it'll be goofy. It'll have things we can have fun with sexually. That's what I'm leaning towards...sexual comedy."

G. Ross: "Who's the hot girl these days?"

Michaels: "I keep going back to Amber Michaels. She's phenomenal. There's a new black girl by the name of Pebbles. I shot her twice. There's Jade Marcella. I was impressed with her. That was for Rocks That Ass #3.... I appreciate what the critics have to say. It keeps me honest. If I don't do it right, I keep working on it trying to make it better....we have some ideas about traveling throughout the U.S., shooting some stuff. I've never been in Miami; I'm going to do a signing in Houston. Each place that I go I'll try and set up things to shoot new faces in each town....that'll be for The Erotic Adventures of Sean Michaels...whenever you start a new title or a new series you're not really sure until you put the first one out....I'm also cultivating a new line which should be out before the end of the year, my new bondage line.

"I went to the Stiletto party Saturday night and it was very entertaining. I learned a lot as well."

G.Ross: "Is this a taste you cultivates or is this something you've repressed and it's coming to the surface?"

Michaels: "Actually, all of the above. I always wanted to do it. I've been cultivating my taste. I went to Japan two years ago and saw the masters at work over there. The bondage over there is real. I'm not saying it isn't real over here, but those guys have been doing it for centuries. The women were having orgasms getting their butts beat, tits slapped. It was stimulating. I was very involved. To see a woman get excited over something like that was different. I learned some techniques over there...Master Michaels Presents is the working title for the moment. Kind of like Alfred Hitchcock Presents. The first thing we're going to work off of is my main choice which is asses and feet...gotta have it....I'm so passionate about what I'm doing these days...we're going to incorporate sex into these videos as well...I think it'll be something interesting. I'm excited to see myself in any fetish getup. At least I hope people will be excited to see that, too. I still have a lot to learn. I'll attend all the fetish balls and different shows...I need to be there.

"It's a new market for me and I went to learn as much as I can to be as authentic as I can. Of course being as original as I can...just the variety of fetishes I see out there, I love it. Each time I see another magazine I get more and more ideas. It's making more sense to me. It's time to do this Stiletto party I saw every walk of life represented. Every age group, and everybody was into it; all nationalities. It was wonderful. Somebody said, 'Hey, you'll probably be the first African-American male to do this.' I've been looking into the history of the business and I haven't seen anyone, African-American male or female to do this. It think it's a very marketable thing.

"I have a whip, which I call my 'corrector' given to me by a fan at the CES Show. They heard me making noises about wanting to do fetish. It's now like have whip will travel with me. I had my whip with me at the Stiletto party and had my Darth Vader-look going. I was received well. I didn't partake in any spankings or anything because I'm not there yet. I have to go to a few more parties and meet more people. Next time I'll bring somebody who's my slave. Amber Michaels is kind of interested. What gets me going about her is that she reminds me of Ginger Lynn. She's just so beautiful, but the appetite she has for sexuality keeps me young - a woman that beautiful into sex that much. That's what it's all about. To see a woman that beautiful getting her ass spanked...and I love fishnet stockings, especially in think about Amber Michaels in that position....also another black girl, Monique...she's really ravenous. I think she's into bondage, if not, maybe we can get her there. I think she's really exciting in that way. Laurel Canyon is another one I'd like to give a good spanking too.

"Thick legs and calves...that's what drives me crazy."

G.Ross: "Let me ride in the passenger's seat."

Michaels: "Beautiful women walking around with gorgeous, thick legs....Johnni Black is a good example. That's the turn on for me now. I'd rather watch that then fuck sometimes. Patrick Collins told me, 'Sean, you're going to keep evolving. Each couple of years you're going to like something different.' But I'm going to stick to legs and's so nice to see a woman tremble getting spanked. I can't wait. I might start that before doing anything else..."

[Michaels practically had to be carried out of the office in an oxygen tent, he got so heated up talking about the subject.]

IEG Begins Airing the Dana Plato Telephone Tapes

IEG, the company that made skinny dipping with Pamela Lee a popular voyeur sport, begins airing, today, four hours of taped telephone conversations Dana Plato had before her death on May 8th. The conversations were recorded by Plato's manager, Shane Bugbee, and nearly two dozen taped segments can be heard on

The recordings, according to Bugbee, were made with Plato's knowledge and reveal the fact that she was trying to put her life and career back on track after years of substance abuse and apparent suicide attempts. Plato had been scheduled to do an upcoming appearance on clublove.

On the tapes, Plato's fiancee, Robert Menchaca, is heard trying to rouse Plato from what he believed to be a sound sleep to talk on the phone with Bugbee. Menchaca is heard trying to slap her awake at one point. The tapes end with a frantic call to Bugbee from Menchaca who discovered her body in a bed at his parents' home. He calls Bugbee from a hospital and is heard screaming, 'Dana died...I don't know what happened...I woke up and she wasn't breathing...I tried to wake her up.'

Bugbee, a rock show promoter, had been Plato's manager since April and had her booked to do Expo of the Extreme in Chicago.

Plato appeared on the Howard Stern show the day before she died [the transcript was posted on this site]. Bugbee, however, reports that he had to call Plato's room 30 times to wake her for that Stern appearance and finally had the manager of the hotel go into her room to rouse her.

The Plato tapes can be heard over any computer with a sound system using software that's available free from clublove which is offering a one-week free membership for those who want to hear the tapes and read the story.

Goofy Obscenity Case of the Day

"Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" host Robin Leach is reportedly banned from an up-scale Las Vegas restaurant after an apparent wild night with whipped cream and nude women. The incident involved an alleged chocolate sauce and whipped cream strip-tease performed by Leach's female dinner guests at Delmonico's Steakhouse in Las Vegas. A New York Post article reported yesterday that Leach, 58, and six women in their twenties caused a wild scene while dining in the glass-enclosed "kitchen table" section of the restaurant on May 31. Two of Leach's female companions allegedly stripped down and wiped chocolate sauce and whipped cream all over each other in full view of the kitchen staff and customers.

According to reports, Leach was taking pictures of the women's breasts, and, according to one eye witness, also poured chocolate syrup on one woman's buttocks. Restaurant staff complained about the incident to Culinary Local 226 which is investigating the matter. Leach will no longer be permitted at the Delmonico, according to news reports. According to a Las Vegas newspaper, if the allegations are true about Leach, the restaurant is apparently in violation of the Clark County business code, which forbids sexual activity and nudity - and Delmonico's could lose its liquor license as a result.

Canoeist Appeals

Just when you thought it was safe to get back into the river, the case of the cursing canoeist continues. Timothy Boomer aka "the cursing canoeist" was convicted last Friday in Standish, Michigan for using the f-word in front of kids at a river resort. Boomer was fined $100 and faced up to 90 days in prison for letting out a few colorful expletives when his canoe rammed into a rock causing him to topple in the water. However, Boomer is preparing to challenge his conviction for public profanity in the Michigan Court of Appeals.

Jurors decided, after deliberating for less than an hour, that Boomer was guilty of cursing and that he could or should have realized that children were nearby. Initially, Boomer was to be tried for cursing in front of women and children. But, in a pretrial ruling in February, presiding judge Allen Yenior ruled that the part of the law pertaining to women was unconstitutional, but upheld its application to minors. At trial, Boomer's attorney, William Street of the American Civil Liberties Union, tried to argue that the law was antiquated and violated the First Amendment right to freedom of speech. But Judge Yenior told Street that such an argument was better suited towards an appellate court and that the law should, therefore, be challenged in the Michigan Court of Appeals.

Yenior also ruled that Boomer's language was not a form of expression and did not fall under First Amendment protection. The chief issues, Yenior claimed, were whether Boomer used profanity in front of children and whether he realized or should have realized children were present during the alleged tirade. Street argued that Boomer's alleged cursing display was not the tirade prosecutors had portrayed. He and several of the defendant's friends who were on the canoeing trip claimed that Boomer did not know or realize children were nearby. Boom