Kazaa Punches from the Corner

Online file-sharing outfit Kazaa, being sued for copyright infringement by a consortium of recording labels and movie studios, has filed a countersuit, claiming monopolistic practices and deceitful tactics on behalf of its oppressors.rnrn

Kazaa owner Sharman Networks countersued on Monday, two weeks after its claim that it could not be sued in the United States was denied in U.S. District Court. Sharman is incorporated in the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu.rnrn

The Recording Industry of America called the countersuit "laughable", saying "Sharman's claims are akin to the thief who plunders Fort Knox and then claims she's not responsible because Fort Knox declined to buy her second-rate security system."rnrn

Online file-sharing pioneer Napster's brief fight against the RIAA ended when it went out of business, but it, too, faced the daunting task of gathering evidence of copyright misuse from its accusers.rnrn

Watch this space as the story develops.rnrn

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