Katja Kean

The question is did she or didn't she? The Beetlejuice in Las Vegas segment which aired on Howard Stern's TV show last Saturday night gave a lurid hint that AVN Best New Starlet nominee Katja Kean may have, might have had sexual congress with Beetlejuice the night of the AVN awards. [She said she was willing to try anything.]

Our congress with Katja was at the CES show, the day of the Awards Show. Katja along with Zoe, Shay Sweet and Linda Thoren was signing at the Sin City booth where p.r. maven Jeff Wozniak told us the reception for the Sin City contract girls was truly inspiring. "The reception was really great," said Wozniak. "Everybody loves the girls. From a public relations point of view, it's been great. We developed a lot of foreign contacts, people who I didn't even know existed. We also did a lot of mainstream p.r. with TV shows who want to do things on the girls."

Well, we wanted to do Katja and something about her appearances in Michael Raven's Millennium and forthcoming ones in Blonds and Lipstick.

Katja: "Millennium was a big shoot. It was about eight days. It was exciting, but very busy- from early morning till late at night. But it was very interesting because Michael [Raven] put a lot of energy into it. The storyline, costumes and the makeup were fantastic."

Before said there's a remarkable difference between shooting movies in Europe and the states.

Kean: "I started three years ago and I knew that I wanted to go to the states and work. The difference between Europe and the states as far as I see it, is that it's a business over here. It's much more accepted as a full-time job. In Europe, if you have a job like this, people think it's a hobby, that you must have something else to do. Especially where I come from, Denmark, it's even more like that because they only have low budget. The worst stuff you can do is in Denmark. But it's getting better. As they're getting more experience, they're producing better and better movies. I also work with a Danish company which was a mainstream company that went into doing adult movies, now. They tried to turn it around where it's more acceptable to people."

G. Ross: "What is the current attitude in Denmark to adult films?"

Kean: "I think it's a big taboo. You have a huge market, of course, but nobody ever really talks about it. It's always the old turn that it's the older guys who watch them; couples don't, women don't. That's the way people say it is, but that's not true. Forinstance the movies I did with this Danish company, tried to turn it around with high budget film and sex so that it was easier for the people to grasp and not just packaged with big boobies on the cover. It was nicely done with style and it opened up a new market with more variety."

G. Ross: "What prompted you to get in the adult film business?"

Kean: "I was working in the hotel industry and I was kind of fed up with my job. I needed to do something else and since I'm not that kind of person to sit still, I went to be where everything is moving all the time and you never know what's going to happen. What appealed to me about the porn industry, obviously, was to make money, travel and be in the limelight where people are not so narrow-minded."

Kean says she likes working for Sin City a lot. "One of my concerns was not just the company, but the guy who produces the movies - how does he make his movies," Kean says. "For me it's important that he makes a movie with a storyline and is interested in it. For sure, Michael Raven is and that gives me satisfaction."

Kean lives in Denmark and comes to the states about every second month, two or three weeks at a time. Kean, an outdoor person, says she loves the sun and warmth of South California, but would not consider moving here, permanently. "I'm too attached to Denmark," she says. "I get the best of both worlds. "When I go back home I get new energy."

When in Denmark, she continues to work for the Danish company. Her recognition factor in Europe is giving her the opportunity to do some "normal" modeling," she says. "Three years ago when I started, it was porn star - what's that? You never heard the term but it's getting there."

Kean: "There was a boom in the Seventies in Denmark, I don't know what it stopped, but now it's getting back to that.