Karina Lets the Fur Fly in Beverly Hills

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals will stage an anti-fur rally in Beverly Hills Thursday with Sin City Performer Karina.

"For the animal, fur is life," Finnish Karina told AVN.com, "but for humans it is a vanity."

She is aware of criticisms that activist entertainers submit to one type of exploitation to fight another. "I have a choice about how I use my body - having sex on film," she said from her home in Riverside County, "but animals have no choice."

Karina is a strict vegan and is hardcore about not letting any animal products touch her skin. What about being tied up in films with leather restraints, which as we understand is a common device in today's pornography?

"So far," Sin City publicist Scott Stein told AVN.com, "binding has not been an issue."

Karina has been working with PETA and other animal rights organizations, such as Farm Sanctuary, for several years. When she broke into porn a year ago, she contacted PETA with an intriguing proposal.

"I said I was willing to go naked," she told AVN.com, "because that's what I do."

She will show as much skin as Beverly Hills cops will allow, anyway. The demonstration will begin at noon at the corner of Rodeo Drive and Wilshire Boulevard. Several adult performers will don pink Valentine's hearts and little else, lounging on a king-size bed decorated with the words "Fur Out, Love In."

Stein notes that Karina. "doesn't eat eggs, doesn't eat meat; (PETA) is a cause she's very devoted to." Stein is delighted about the publicity for Sin City as well as what he thinks is a good cause. "She's a natural to be naked on a bed in Beverly Hills," he pointed out.

A statement released by PETA details the steps involved in creating that new fur coat:

" PETA wants consumers to know that animals trapped for fur suffer excruciating pain, often for days, before having their chests stomped or necks broken by trappers. Beavers caught in underwater traps struggle frantically before drowning. On fur farms, animals spend their lives in tiny, filthy cages where they suffer physical and psychological distress before being killed by poisoning, gassing, anal electrocution, or neck-breaking.

The demonstration will last one hour and visitors are encouraged to visit FurIsDead.com for more information.

Karina notes that the demonstration will happen "rain or shine." Remember, don't bring the raincoat with the fur lining. -Gram Ponante Adult Check Pulling Beyond-Kinky Links Say Goodbye To Watersport, Scat, Fisting Links

THE WEB - "We never enjoy instigating new policies that could adversely affect your business," said Adult Check's Brad Estes, announcing that links to so-called watersports, scat, and fisting content sites could adversely affect Adult Check's business.

"Due to opinions of some of the top First Amendment lawyers in the country, we feel it is time to remove sites of this nature from the links list and search engine," Estes said in a formal statement. "This move is designed with the sanctity of the entire Adult Check system in mind.

That means illegal content - including but not limited to minors, rape, and bestiality - isn't going to make the Adult Check cut. Nor will fisting "where the thumb and four fingers are inserted," though simulating such fisting is acceptable; nor will urination or defecation in any form.

Adult Check's Site Review Department began pulling sites containing that sort of content from the link lists on January 23, Estes said, with their Webmasters receiving e-mail informing them of the new policy.

He told AVN.com that there was no pressure to make these changes.

"It sort of came down the food chain, if you will, onto my desk," Estes said. "I don't know what the straw was that broke the camel's back, if any. We didn't get any pressure from anybody; it wasn't lawsuit driven, or policy driven in terms of politics.

"In hindsight, it almost seems like a no-brainer," he continued. "Somebody had some foresight, if we take them down, it's going to seem like a common sense decision."

Estes added that taking down links "that never really had that much impact on sales" wasn't going to make a hit against Adult Check's bottom line either way. "I'm sure (these sites) did something, but it wasn't enough to send the CEO into a tizzy when we took them down."

Any recurring revenue these sites generated will continue getting paid indefinitely, Estes continued, but the sites won't be listed in the Adult Check system. But if the sites in question remove the watersport, scat, and thumb-and-forefinger fisting content, they'll be re-listed on the Adult Check links list as soon as the site Webmasters notify Adult Check.

For further questions or concerns, contact Adult Check at [email protected]; or, call 1-(800) 561-6114 x7103.